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WSU Interior Design Advisory Board Committee

The Program of Interior Design is committed to providing students experience and education
as they prepare for a career as a professional interior designer.

To be effective and relevant, we believe it is critical that representatives from the design-build profession,
community leaders and staff all have the opportunity to provide input and service as part of the Advisory Board Committee. 

The Advisory Board Committee meets annually to provide insight and guidance to faculty and administration. This dedicated group of committee members works together to align the interior design curriculum and program objectives with successful professional practice. 





Industry Advisory Board Members


Mark Wightman


Kyra Mabey
Kimball Office


Tracee Goff
Establish Design

Ashley Badali

Shayne Hemsley

Hamilton Park Interiors

Matt Dickamore
Leslie Schofield Studio


                           Brock Gardner                                                                                   


Deborah Warren


Tony Pantone
STUDIO 3 3 3

Shawn Treasure

Babcock Design