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Associate of Applied Science in Interior Design 

Our associate’s degree provides you with knowledge of interior design to build on while earning your bachelor’s degree or apply to your career.

What You'll Learn

Interior design basics


Space planning

Architectural detailing

History of interior design

Interior finishes and materials

Sustainable practice


Degree Information

In this program, you will develop a sense of aesthetic discernment while learning the fundamentals of interior design.

Grade Requirements: 
A grade of “B” or better in courses required for this major (“B-” is not acceptable) in addition to an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher.

Credit Hour Requirements:
 A total of 60 credit hours is required.

Program Prerequisite: 
An interview with the program advisor is necessary prior to acceptance into the program.




Employment Opportunities

In order to be competitive in the interior design field, we highly recommend you earn your bachelor’s degree in interior design
The Bachelor's degree will lead to licensure, certification exams such as NCIDQ and LEED GA and others.  The Associate's degree is not meant to lead to licensure.

With an Associate’s degree, you may find employment in entry-level design positions. 
Possible positions include: Junior design assistant and visual merchandiser.

After 4 years of experience in the field, you will be able to sit for the NCIDQ (National Council for Interior Design Qualification) exam.



As an Interior Design student, you are required to meet with your faculty advisor each semester for course and program advisement. 
Appointments can be scheduled by phone or email.


Interior Design Advisor

Kristen Arnold, M.Ed, Bid, IDEC 
NCIDQ Certificate No. 28155
Program Coordinator, Assistant Professor