Program Faculty

The Program Faculty includes all faculty, or subset of all faculty, in the program undergoing review. If the "subset" option is selected, at least three full-time faculty within the program, one of whom is the chair/director, must participate.

The Program Faculty have the following program review responsibilities:

Semester 'by' Date Tasks/Responsibilities
Year 1 Fall Sep 10
  • Participate in an orientation to program review, including the format for the review and the Program Faculty responsibilities, conducted by the Academic Dean, in consultation with the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.
Oct 1
  • The Program Faculty makes recommendations for the membership of the Program Review Evaluation Team, through the department chair, to the Academic Dean following the guidelines stated elsewhere on this web site. At least two individuals should be recommended for each Review Team position; all potential and real conflicts of interest for each nominated individual must be identified.
Nov 1
  • The Academic Dean finalizes the Review Team membership and notifies the Program Faculty of the approved membership. The Academic Dean and Chair(s) confirm participation with each individual on the PRogram Review Evaluation Team and finalize on-campus visit logistics (travel, agenda, rooms, etc.).
  • The Academic Dean and Chair(s) forward to the Program Faculty the visit calendar and meeting schedule of the Program Review Evaluation Team. See sample Program Review Evaluation Team Visit Schedule in the supplemental documents area.
Nov 15
  • The Program Faculty prepares the following documents and submits them to the Academic Dean for review and approval:
    • a 25 - 30 page program self-study (exclusive of appendices) which follows a prescribed format,
    • a 3 - 5 page executive summary which provides a brief description of the program, faculty, staff, students, and support; student data provided by Institutional Research and/or Office of Institutional Effectiveness are included as an appendix to this document.
    • all other relevant program review documents.
Dec 1
  • The Academic Dean approves the self-study documents and notifies the Program Faculty of the status of these documents.
Year 1
Mar 15
  • Participate as needed, in the on-campus visit of the Program Review Evaluation Team.
Apr 1
  • Receive the Program Review Evaluation Team report.
Apr 15
  • Develop a 2 - 3 page written response of the Program Faculty to the Program Review Evaluation Team report with specific focus on the following:
    • For each recommendation or commendation,
      • program response to the recommendation/commendation
        • agree and rationale or
        • disagree and rationale
      • action plan and timeline (if applicable)
      • assessment of action plan and evidence of results
    • Department/program plans beyond the Program Review Evaluation Team recommendations.
  • Forward the response to the Academic Dean
Year 2
Sep 30
  • Attend the meeting of the University Program Review Standing Committee and briefly discuss the Evaluation Team report and the Program Faculty response to this report. Respond to questions from the committee.
Oct 30
  • Program Faculty review the institutional response to the program review which is prepared by the Provost.