Teaching & Learning Forum


  • Mission Statment

    The Teaching and Learning Forum promotes, supports and provides faculty development
    opportunities to strengthen the teaching and learning environment at WSU.

    We accomplish this mission through FACULTY by:

    • Fostering a community of conversation and reflection about the art and science of teaching and learning.
    • Assisting faculty in developing and strengthening their identities as teachers and scholars.
    • Contributing to a campus culture dedicated to student success through evidence-based teaching and engaged learning across all disciplines.
    • Upholding and advancing the university’s commitment to teaching and learning through promoting policies and practices that support and reward high quality teaching.
    • Leveraging faculty development resources across campus to empower faculty in their
      role as teachers at WSU.
    • Tailoring faculty development opportunities to address faculty needs and current issues
      associated with teaching and learning.
    • Yearly program evaluation and assessment.

This information is part of the cyclical program review process. Details such as mission statements, learning outcomes, etc., are updated as part of the biennial assessment reporting process, an integral component of program review.