Master of Radiologic Science


  • Mission Statement

    Provide appropriate, accurate, and timely advisement for students within the program nurturing the potential within every individual, the MSRS program will:

    • Assist and encourage faculty and graduate students to develop collaborative relationships with other professionals;
    • support and assist with scholarship and grant writing;
    • promote the recruitment and support of students from diverse backgrounds;
    • promote the recruitment and support of faculty from diverse backgrounds;


    Promote appropriate professional behavior, ethics, diversity, and respect for self and others. Respect for people and ideas, the MSRS program will:

    • assist and support  graduate students in professional development and research to improve clinical based research and foundational professional research;
    • provide student orientation to community/campus support services.


    Providing access and opportunity for all, the MSRS program will:

    • provide appropriate technologies in order for graduate students to access, gather, organize, and present information related to clinical, educational and professional research.


    Engaged in the community, the MSRS program will:

    • provide learning opportunities for students through a variety of instructional methodologies in multiple settings;
    • identify essential knowledge and skills for imaging graduate students;

This information is part of the cyclical program review process. Details such as mission statements, learning outcomes, etc., are updated as part of the biennial assessment reporting process, an integral component of program review.