Professional Sales


  • Mission Statement
    • The professional sales program prepares individuals to serve as agents or sales representatives in selling products and services to businesses, plants, professionals, public and private institutions. This program offers a sales emphasis tailored toward specific sales fields such as manufacturing representative, technology sales, sales engineering, medical device representative and many other fields.
    • The sales and merchandising program is designed to prepare people for employment in selling at all levels of distribution and merchandising and middle management areas of retailing.
    • Students will supplement their coursework with practical on-the-job training in national, regional, and local business establishments. The students are affiliated with the department’s Professional Sales Student Association (PSSA) which provides students the opportunity to compete in a myriad of national collegiate sales competitions to refine classroom skills with a competitive atmosphere. The format varies from role-play, speed selling, team selling, and elevator pitch scenarios. Additionally, students compete in Collegiate DECA, a national student business organization with chapters in all fifty states, the District of Columbia, Canada, China, Germany, Guam, Hong Kong, Korea, Mexico and Puerto Rico. These competitive events give students opportunities to compete in various business simulations as well as network with national companies and their recruiters who provide employment opportunities.
    • The sales programs offered are specifically designed to prepare students for immediate employment. Program graduates are ready to make an immediate industry contribution through the use of industry advisory committee members, a constantly updated course curriculum, well-trained faculty, senior project and internship industry experience, and a national business organization affiliation.

This information is part of the cyclical program review process. Details such as mission statements, learning outcomes, etc., are updated as part of the biennial assessment reporting process, an integral component of program review.