Film Studies


  • Mission Statement

    The Lindquist College Film Studies Program is a college-wide interdisciplinary initiative dedicated to personal, artistic and/or professional expression via film, video and other digital media. The program, which will award a Bachelor of Arts, unites the art, craft, production and business of filmmaking with the scholarly study of its history, aesthetics and culture.  Students study all aspects of digital filmmaking and digital arts, whether they are aspiring documentary or feature filmmakers, screenwriters, installation artists, video journalists, critics, directors, choreographers, cinematographers and/or animators. The program encourages students to engage in both the creative and scholarly dimensions of film, television, and interactive media production and study. This degree program will prepare graduates to work in Utah's $110 million dollar film and television

This information is part of the cyclical program review process. Details such as mission statements, learning outcomes, etc., are updated as part of the biennial assessment reporting process, an integral component of program review.