Chemistry & Biochemistry


  • Mission Statement

    The mission of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry is to equip our students with the conceptual and experimental foundation to support their goals.   Such a foundation is achieved through deep understanding of the chemical basis of matter, in combination with current hands-on practical laboratory skills. The department provides a personalized and accessible learning environment to encourage critical thought, maintain safe and ethical practices, and develop the ability to communicate effectively. First, our mission engages chemistry majors seeking thorough technical knowledge and advanced skills that will enable them to pursue post-graduate studies or employment.  Our degree programs include an Applied Associates Chemical Technician degree, ACS Certified Bachelor’s degrees (Chemistry and Biochemistry), and a Chemistry Teaching Bachelor’s degree.  Our students take on undergraduate research opportunities under the direct mentorship of faculty members.  The relationships between the faculty and local businesses allow for real-world internship opportunities.  Second, our mission supports students in other scientific majors including pre-professional students, by providing molecular context interdisciplinary to life science or other physical sciences.  Third, our mission enables non-science majors (general education credit) to attain a basic understanding of chemistry and the scientific method, growing the community’s ability to evaluate critically and make informed decisions on issues relating to science, technology, and society. We extend our enthusiasm with the wider community through outreach activities, and through concurrent education opportunities.

This information is part of the cyclical program review process. Details such as mission statements, learning outcomes, etc., are updated as part of the biennial assessment reporting process, an integral component of program review.