How-To Guide

Many of the tasks you'll need to accomplish as a new Weber State employee are addressed here. This virtual tour and map of our Ogden campus will help you find your way around. If you have questions, Human Resources is always available to help!

How to ... 

From Whom/Where

get an ID card to check out library books, use the gym, get discounts on tickets and bookstore merchandise, etc.
get an UTA Ed Pass

Wildcard Office
Union Building Information Desk, ext. 6367
get a name plate for my desk or door Wildcat Design & Print
Rm RD 104, ext 6107
charge items at the bookstore Bookstore
Student Union Bldg, ext. 8681
get an office or building key to enter office or building after working hours Facilities Management Office
Fill out online key request form, get approval, pick up keys at the Key and Lock shop, ext 8095.
$25.00 refundable one-time charge
get a parking pass Parking Services
Public Safety Bldg. Room 102, ext. 6533
set up a voice mail system on my desk phone or change name on my phone Telecommunications
participate in new employee orientation
(you will be contacted by a Human Resources Representative)
Human Resource Department
Miller Administration Bldg., Rm. 111
ext. 6009
get a purchasing card for university purchases Purchasing Office
Miller Admin. Bldg., Rm. 207
ext. 7113
view, modify, request or remove security access Security Access Guide