My Teaching
Current Schedule: Fall 2024
- CS 1400 - Programming I (F2F)
- CS 2810 - Computer Architecture (ONL)
- CS 4850- Data Science Algorithms (F2F)
Past Courses:
- CS 1400 - Programming I
- CS 1410 - Object-Oriented Programming
- CS 2250 - Structured Computing in a Selected Language
- CS 2810 - Computer Architecture/Organization
- CS 3030 - Scripting Languages
- CS 3040 - Windows/Unix/Linux Infrastructure and Administration
- CS 3050 - Enterprise Computing
- CS 3100 - Operating Systems
- CS 6200 - The Internet of Things
- CS 6610 - Advanced Computer Architecture
Other Courses:
- PHYS 2300 - Scientific Computing for Physical Systems
- HAFB Training Courses: Intermediate and Advanced Python, Test Driven Development