HIEE Attributes

HIEE attributes are for courses and/or activities or experiences that happen outside of the classroom. In other words, HIEE designated experiences can be curricular or co-curricular (non-credit bearing) in nature.

Each HIEE has a set of learning outcomes. As long as the course or the non-credit co-curricular activity/experience meets the learning outcomes of the specific type of HIEE, it can be designated with that high impact educational experience attribute.

The following HIEE attributes are available for you to apply to your courses and/or co-curricular activities/experiences:


Community Engaged Learning


Undergraduate Research


Global Learning Experiences





*co-curricular non-credit experiences only currently


Peer Mentor/Tutor

*co-curricular non-credit experiences only currently




HIEE attributes are meant to help students, faculty, staff and administrators identify and track these types of experiences.

By designating your course or co-curricular activity/experience, you are helping:

  • students more easily find HIEEs in the class schedule and in GivePulse, Weber State’s student engagement platform;
  • students record these transformative experiences on their transcripts;
  • faculty/staff more easily identify and record the innovations they incorporate into the teaching and mentoring aspects of their roles;
  • programs, departments, and colleges more easily demonstrate how they are meeting the university’s strategic goal of having every student experience at least 2 HIEEs before graduation; and
  • administrators measure whether WSU is accomplishing our student success goals through HIEEs.

Designation Process

Designate your course(s) or co-curricular program(s) with one or more High Impact Educational Experiences (HIEE) attribute in one application found on GivePulse, the student engagement platform.

  • Spring semester deadline: Oct. 1
  • Summer and fall semester deadline: March 1

Multiple HIEE attributes can be designated to a single course or co-curricular activity/experience. For example, SOC 3300 - Environment and Society, can have both the SUS and CEL attributes on it if so desired. The faculty member teaching the course would complete a single application and indicate the two desired attributes.

Courses and co-curricular activities/experiences maintain the HIEE attributes for 5 years unless the HIEE office is otherwise notified. At the end of 5 years, the HIEE office will reach out and ask the course or co-curricular activity/experience to reapply for the attribution for another 5-year period.

Apply for a HIEE attribute!