Therese Grijalva


PHONE: 801.394.3782


WEB: Dr. Cavlovic's Homepage


ADDRESS:  1337 Edvalson St Dept 3807, Ogden, UT 84408

CV: Dr. Cavlovic's CV


Therese Cavlovic is a professor of economics in the Goddard School of Business & Economics. 

In 1993, she earned an MBA from Cleveland State University, and then worked in Chicago as a consultant for the HayGroup before returning to graduate school. In 2000, she earned her Ph.D. in environmental economics from the University of New Mexico. 

Cavlovic's research focuses on using surveys and experiments to determine the values and preferences individuals have for environmental goods and services. Some of her research has explored individual preferences for the safe minimum standard, a policy for preserving renewable resources, unless the social costs of foregone development are unacceptably large. Recently, she has used experimental methods to explore individual time preferences and how time preferences are influenced by beliefs and attitudes about climate change.

At Weber State University, Cavlovic has had the opportunity to work with many economics students on undergraduate research projects. She also regularly teaches a course entitled Economics as a Social Science. The course demonstrates how economists analyze current social issues. In the 16 years that she has been teaching this class, she believes she has learned as much, if not more, than her students through course discussions and student interactions.

Cavlovic has been an Eccles Fellow since 2006 in the Goddard School, and she received the 2013 Hinckley Fellow award from WSU. 


Ph.D., Environmental and natural resource economics - University of New Mexico, 2000

M.A., Economics - University of New Mexico, 1997

MBA, Finance/Accounting - Cleveland State University, 1993

B.S., Finance - Florida State University, 1991


  • Rodney H. Brady Presidential Distinguished Professor, Weber State University, Spring 2018.  
  • Distinguished Alumni, Department of Economics, University of New Mexico, 2017-2018.
  • Undergraduate Research Mentor Award, Weber State University, 2015-2016. 
  • Alston Teaching Award, Spring 2016. 
  • Eccles Fellow, July 2015-June 2018. 
  • Faculty Sustainability Research Award, awarded by WSU Environmental Issues Committee 
  • Distinguished member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars 
  • John S. Hinckley Fellow Award, Spring 2013. 
  • John S. Hinckley Collaboration Award for NCUR 2012, Spring 2013 (NCUR committee member)


  • Mountain Biking
  • Rock Climbing and Bouldering
  • Traveling
  • Anything outdoors!


Dr. Cavlovic's CV




  1. “Interpersonal Discounting.” Rong Rong, Therese C. Grijalva, Jayson L. Lusk, and W. Douglass Shaw. Journal of Risk and Uncertainty, Forthcoming 2019.
  2. “Spousal Dictator Game: Household Decisions and Other-Regarding Preferences.” Matthew K. Gnagey, Therese C. Grijalva, and Rong Rong. Games 9(3), September 2018.
  3. “The Less you Discount, The More it Shows You Really Care: Interpersonal Discounting in Households.” Rong Rong, Matthew Gnagey, and Therese C. Grijalva. Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 154: 1-23, 2018. 4.
  4. “The Impact of Trails on Property Values: A Spatial Analysis.” M. Gnagey and T. C. Grijalva.  Annals of Regional Science, Forthcoming. DOI 10.1007/s00168-017-0846-1. 
  5. “The Influence of Positive and Negative Framed Information Load: An Experimental Investigation.” B. C. Koford, T. C. Grijalva, and G. Parkhurst. Journal of Marketing Development and Competitiveness 11(3), 2017.
  6. “Loss Aversion in the Classroom: A Nudge Towards a Better Grade?” B. Koford, T. C. Grijalva, and G. Parkhurst. College Student Journal, Forthcoming
  7. “Convex Time Budgets and Individual Discount Rates in the Long Run.” Therese C. Grijalva, Jayson Lusk, Rong Rong, and W. Douglass Shaw, Therese Grijalva, Jayson Lusk, and Rong Rong. Environmental and Resource Economics, Published online first April 5, 2017. DOI 10.1007/s10640-017-0149-0 
  8. “The Western Public Domain: Disposal, Land Quality, and the Fiscal Implications of a Transfer to States.” P. M. Jakus, J. Stambro, J. Downen, M. Hogue, L. Pace, T. C. Grijalva. Land Economics, Forthcoming
  9. “A Guide to Graduate Study in Environmental, Resource and Agricultural Economics: Ranking Ph.D programs in Economics and Agricultural Economics.” Therese C. Grijalva and Clifford. Nowell. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 43: 209-226, 2014. 
  10. “Discounting the Distant Future: An Experimental Investigation.” Therese C. Grijalva, Jayson L. Lusk, W. Douglass Shaw. Environmental and Resource Economics 59: 39-53, 2014. 
  11. “Trends in Co-authorship in Economics Since 1985.” Therese C. Grijalva and Clifford Nowell. Applied Economics 43: 4369-4375, 2011. 
  12. “Species Preservation versus Development: An Experimental Investigation Under Uncertainty.” Robert P. Berrens, Therese C. Grijalva, and W. Douglass Shaw. Ecological Economics 70 (2011), 995-1005. 
  13. “Ranking Economics Departments in a Contested Discipline: A Bibliometric Approach to Quality Equality Among Theoretically Distinct Sub-Disciplines.” Fred Lee, Therese Grijalva and Cliff Nowell. American Journal of Economics and Sociology 69: 1345-1375, 2010. 
  14. “A Guide to Graduate Study in Economics: Ranking Economics Departments by Fields of Expertise.” Therese Grijalva and Cliff Nowell. Southern Economic Journal, 74(4): 971-996, 2009. 
  15. “The Role of Experience and Quantity-Based Pricing on the Valuation of a Curbside Recycling Program.” Arthur Caplan, Therese C. Grijalva, and Alok Bohara. Ecological Economics, 64(2), 2007. 
  16. “Economic Growth and Environmental Quality: A Meta-Analysis of Environmental Kuznet Curve Studies.” Hui Li, Therese C. Grijalva, and Robert Berrens, Economics Bulletin 17(5), 2007. 
  17. “Using Choice Question Formats to Determine Compensable Values: The Case of a Landfill-Siting Process.” Arthur Caplan, Therese C. Grijalva, and Douglas Jackson-Smith. Ecological Economics 60(4), 2007. 
  18. “Academic Honesty and Online Courses.” Therese C. Grijalva, Joe Kerkvliet, and Cliff Nowell. College Student Journal 40(1), March 2006. 
  19. “Fundamental Dimensions Underlying the Regulation of U.S. Trade.” Alok Bohara, Alejandro Islas-Camargo, Therese C. Grijalva, and Kishore Gawande. Journal of International Economics 65, 2005. 
  20. “Social Capital and the Value of Hunting Club Memberships” Cynthia B. Green, Therese C. Grijalva, and Stephan Kroll. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 9(1), 2004. 
  21. "Estimating Revealed Preference and Contingent Behavior Trip Demand: A Seemingly Unrelated Poisson Regression Model." Therese C. Grijalva, Alok Bohara, and Robert Berrens. Applied Economic Letters 10(7), June 2003. 
  22. "A Question of Standing: Institutional Change and Rock Climbing in Wilderness Areas." Therese C. Grijalva and Robert Berrens. Society and Natural Resources 16(3), March 2003. 
  23. “Waste Not or Want Not: A Contingent Ranking Analysis of Curbside Waste Disposal Options.” Arthur Caplan, Therese C. Grijalva, and Paul Jakus. Ecological Economics 43(2-3), December 2002. 
  24. “Testing the Validity of Contingent Behavior Responses.” Therese C. Grijalva, Robert Berrens, Alok Bohara, and W. Douglass Shaw. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, May 2002. 
  25. “Valuing the Loss of Rock Climbing Access: A National-level Random Utility Model.” Therese C. Grijalva, Robert Berrens, Alok Bohara, Paul Jakus, and W. Douglass Shaw. Land Economics, February 2002. 
  26. “A Meta-Analysis of Environmental Kuznets Curve Studies.” Therese Cavlovic, Kenneth Baker, Robert Berrens, and Kishore Gawande. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, April 2001. 


  1. “The Economics of Air Quality in Utah.” In Utah’s Air Quality Issues: Problems and Solutions, Ed. Hal Crimmel, Ingrid Weinbauer, and Eric Ewert. Publication date scheduled 2018. 

  2. “University Economics Departments.” In Environmental and Natural Resource Economics: An Encyclopedia, Ed. T. Haab and J. Whitehead. Greenwood/Praeger. Publication date April 30, 2014. 
  3. “Valuing Rock Climbing and Bouldering Access: With a Test of Scope.” Therese Grijalva and Robert Berrens. In The New Economics of Outdoor Recreation eds. N. Hanley, W.D. Shaw, and R. Wright. Edward Elgar, 2003:21-39.
  4. “An Experimental Investigation of Choice under “Hard” Uncertainty.” Calvin Blackwell, Therese Grijalva, and Robert Berrens. In Experimental Methods in Environmental Economics eds. Todd Cherry, Stephan Kroll, and Jason Shogren. Routledge. 2008:366-82. 


  1. “An Analysis of a Transfer of Federal Lands to the State of Utah.” Manuscript prepared for Public ands Policy Coordination Office, Office of the Governor. Prepared by Bureau of Economic and Business Research (University of Utah), Paul M. Jakus (Utah State University), and Therese C. Grijalva (Weber State University). December 2014. 

  2. “Cache Country Community Survey of Future Landfill Alternatives” in City of Logan Landfill Siting Study: Phase III—Site Analysis and Waste Disposal Alternatives Evaluation. Manuscript prepared for the City of Logan, Utah, Environmental Services Division, and HDR Engineering. Prepared by Douglas Jackson-Smith, Arthur Caplan, Taunya Jones, and Therese Grijalva. May 2003. 
  3. “Household Valuation of a Pilot Curbside Recycling Program: Participants, Non-Participants, and the Non-Targeted.” Manuscript prepared for City of Logan, Utah, Environmental Services Division. Prepared by Arthur Caplan and Therese Grijalva. November 2002. 


  1. “Interpersonal Discount Rates: An Experiments.” 

    • Environmental Association of Environmental and Resource Economics, 23rd Annual Conference, Athens, Greece, June 28-July 1, 2017. Presented June 29.
    • Economics Science Association, Dallas, TX, October 2015. 
  2. “An Analysis of a Transfer of Federal Lands to the State of Utah.” 
    • Utah State University, Winter 2015, presented by Therese Grijalva and Paul Jakus 
  3. “Discounting the Long Term Future.” 
    • Texas A&M University (Psychology Dept.), Spring 2012, presented by W.D. Shaw 
    • University of Denver, Fall 2011, presented by W.D. Shaw 
  4. “Species Preservation versus Development: An Experimental Investigation under Uncertainty.” 
    • Weber State University, Fall 2009. 
    • W-2133 Research Group Annual Meeting, Spring 2011, presented by W.D. Shaw 
    • 4th International World Congress of Environmental and Resource Economics, Montreal, June 2012, presented by W.D. Shaw 
    • Colorado State University (invited), Spring 2009, presented by W.D. Shaw