Ben Neve


PHONE: 205.886.2519




1337 Edvalson St. Dept. 3807. Ogden, UT 84408


Ben Neve joined the faculty in the Supply Chain Management program in Weber State University’s Goddard School of Business & Economics in 2021. Ben holds both a doctorate and a master’s degree in operations management from the University of Alabama’s Culverhouse College of Business (Roll Tide!). He also has a bacherlor's degree in mathematics from Southern Utah University and an associate's degree in math education from Dixie State College.

Since 2005, Ben has provided management consulting and market research services for more than 30 organizations from a variety of industries, including healthcare, manufacturing, government, banking, telecommunications, construction, hospitality, tourism and business services. As a professor, Neve has taught at both the graduate and undergraduate level, covering courses in Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Project Management, Business Analytics, Six Sigma, Lean Systems, Process Improvement, Service Operations, Case Analysis and Business Strategy.

Ben’s research focuses on solving complex, real-world business problems by applying a variety of optimization techniques such as stochastic programming, simulation-optimization and math modeling. In addition to applied optimization, Ben’s research also explores how to apply complex adaptive systems theory, in conjunction with supply chain management tools, to help organizations collaborate across industry lines to address important societal issues such as the COVID-19 pandemic and the Opioid crisis.


Ph.D., Operations Management – Culverhouse College of Business at the University of Alabama, 2011
M.S., Operations Management – Culverhouse College of Business at the University of Alabama, 2008
B.S., Pure Mathematics (English Minor) – Southern Utah University, 2006
A.S., Math Education – Dixie State College, 2001



  1. Neve, B.V., Schmidt, C.P. (forthcoming) “Point-of-Use Hospital Inventory Management with Inaccurate Usage Capture.”  Health Care Management Science

  2. Schvaneveldt, S., Neve, B.V. March 2021 “Combatting the COVID-19 Pandemic with Quality Tools” Quality Progress.

  3. Lam, M., Neve, B.V., Gagnon, R.J.  November 2010 “Bama Drinks Company: An Inventory Case Portfolio” Journal of the International Academy of Case Studies (JIAC)


  1. Neve, B.V., Schmidt, C.P. April 2018 “Rationing Inventory Over Multiple Demand Classes With Backorders” North Eastern Decision Sciences Institute Annual Meeting Proceedings (NEDSI)  

  2. Neve, B.V., Lam, M. “Are All Customers Created Equal? A Multiple Demand Class Inventory Case.”  ABE/FEA 2008 Meeting Proceedings


  1. Neve, B.V., Chen, W. “Collaboratively Addressing the Opioid Epidemic within a Complex Network of Competing Stakeholders” 2019 DSI Annual Meeting

  2. Chen.W., Neve, B.V. “New Information Infrastructure for Handling the Opioid Epidemic - A Blockchain Perspective” 2019 INFORMS Annual Meeting

  3. Chen, W., Neve, B.V. “Playbook for General Managers in NFL Free Agency Market” 2018 INFORMS Annual Meeting

  4. Neve, B.V., Schmidt, C.P. “Rationing Inventory Over Multiple Demand Classes With Backorders” 2018 NEDSI Annual Meeting

  5. Raja, M., Neve, B.V. “The Role of Instructors in the Age of Augmented Learning” 2018 NEDSI Annual Meeting

  6. Neve, B.V. “Factory Golf: A Hands-on Six Sigma Project Simulation.” 2015 DSI Annual Meeting

  7. Neve, B.V. “Realistic Analytics: Assessing Needs and Defining Strategies.” October 2014 Breakfast Roundtable – Joint event of IIBA and PMI in Honolulu

  8. Neve, B.V. “Developing Quality Professionals” April 2014 American Society of Quality (ASQ) Harrisburg Section Meeting

  9. Neve, B.V. “Hands-on Team Simulation Activity for SMED.” 2013 Lean Educators Conference

  10. Neve, B.V., Sumutka, A.  "Quality as a Competitive Advantage." 2012 Central Pennsylvania Business Journal Annual Entrepreneurship Conference.

  11. Neve, B.V. “Simplified Inventory Rationing with Backordering.”  2011 DSI Annual Meeting.

  12. Neve, B.V., Schmidt, C.P. “Analysis of a Hospital Supply Chain with Inventory Inaccuracies.”   2009 DSI Annual Meeting.

  13. Neve, B.V., Schmidt, C.P. “An Inventory Rationing Model for Multiple Demand Classes with Backordering.”  2009 INFORMS Annual Meeting.

  14. Lam, M., Neve, B.V., Gagnon, R.J. “Bama Drinks Company: An Inventory Case Portfolio.”  2009 ABE/FEA Annual Meetin

  15. Neve, B.V. “A Hospital Inventory Model with Two Supply Paths and Multiple Inventory Locations.”   2008 DSI Annual Meeting.

  16. Neve, B.V., Schmidt, C.P. “Analysis of an Inventory Model for Multiple Demand Classes with Backordering.”  2008 INFORMS Annual Meeting. 

  17. Neve, B.V., Lam, M. “Are All Customers Created Equal? A Multiple Demand Class Inventory Case.”  2008 DSI Annual Meeting Teaching Case Competition  (Refereed)