Dr. Bryan Dorsey, Professor
Office: LH 363
Phone: 801-626-6944
Email: bdorsey@weber.edu
Ph.D., University of Colorado- Boulder, 1996
M.A., University of Colorado- Boulder, 1992
B.A., Utah State University, 1985
Academic Interests
Land use and transportation planning:
Most recent research has focused on inadequacies of parking requirements and mass transit incentive programs. He is also interested in researching the impacts of urban and suburban growth on farmers, agricultural land use practices (Wasatch Front, Utah), and open space preservation mitigation measures.
Sustainable development:
Research in this area focuses on the cultural, socio-economic and environmental aspects of development, particularly agricultural development. He continues to study sustainable development based on field work from the Kirinyaga District in Central Province, Kenya where he surveyed smallholder farmers in an effort to better understand the dynamics of scale of production for diversified, low-external input agricultural production.
Geography education/service-learning:
Currently involved in developing service-learning partnerships with local agencies that deal with land use planning issues. Much of the course material emerging from this work focuses on sustainable land use practices.
Courses Taught at Weber State University
- GEOGR PS 1000 Natural Environments of the Earth
- GEOGR SS/DV 1300 Places & Peoples of the World
- GEOGR 3060 World Environmental Issues
- GEOGR 3500 Geography of Utah
- GEOGR 3740 Geography of Africa
- GEOGR 4410 Land Use Planning Techniques and Practices
- GEOGR 4420 Advanced Planning Techniques
- GEOGR 4950 Advanced Regional Field Studies
- GEOGR 4990 Senior Research Seminar
Selected Publications
- Dorsey, Bryan and Mulder, Alice, 2013. Planning, place-making and building consensus for transit-oriented development: Ogden, Utah case study. Journal of Transport Geography, 32: 65-76. Article
- Dorsey, B., in press, Mass transit trends and the role of unlimited access in transportation demand management, Journal of Transportation Geography.
- Dorsey, B., 2001, Linking theories of service-learning and undergraduate geography education, Journal of Geography 100: 124-132.
- Dorsey, B., 1999, Agricultural intensification, diversification, and commercial production among smallholder coffee growers in central Kenya, Economic Geography 75 (2): 178-195.