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Background Check

All students admitted to the Teacher Education program must pass a background check
for the Utah State Board of Education (USBE) prior to beginning program coursework.

Important Steps to Obtain Background Check

You MAY NOT participate in required field experiences UNTIL your background check has cleared. Failure to receive clearance in a timely manner could delay you a semester or more in the program, as you will have to repeat the semester to complete field experiences.

Your admissions letter will give you instructions on the clearance process. Please make sure you read it carefully.

To complete the Teacher Education background check process:

  1. Visit the Utah Schools Information Management System -USMIS website to request a background check.
  2. Educators may complete the following on USMIS: Create an account. Request a background check. Retrieve a CACTUS ID# (Click on "Personal information in your USMIS Checklist) Complete an Ethics Review.



3. Make arrangements to visit a USBE Live Scan site: Utah Educator LiveScan Fingerprint Sites

4. You will receive an email from USBE when your background        check clears at the email you provided to them. Processing times          can vary from 1-15 weeks, please plan accordingly.


If you started a USBE background check online at Educator Licensing Online after July 1, 2015, it is now being continuously monitored. Another check will not be necessary unless your Utah Educator License expires or there is no activity on your CACTUS record after one calendar year for earning a Utah Educator License.


For answers to questions about what you need to do to be fingerprinted, please contact the individual associated with your specific educational program: