Financial Services IT Projects
- Finished Projects
These projects have been completed and deployed.
- Shadow Copies
- 01/08/2016 - Determined most of the requirements. Waiting on server space/additional resources before deploying.
- 10/21/2015 - Began research into space requirements/setup instructions.
- Log Monitor
- 02/18/2016 - Core functionality is completed. Working on features/testing.
- 01/27/2016 - Began devlopment of software.
- Mobile Printing
- 02/17/2016 - System seems to be working. Testing
- 02/15/2016 - Met with representatives from the company to have the system configured.
- 12/10/2015 - Began setting up a IMAP server for the mobile printing.
- 10/01/2015 - Began acquiring licenses for mobile printing.
- 09/28/2015 - Discovered that our printer management software supports this feature. Began researching.
- Inventory System
- 01/08/2016 - Finished software for now. Merging into Event Reader.
- 12/10/2015 - Installed software on all computers in multiple departments for more sample data.
- 10/16/2015 - Began software development to run WMI queries test computers.
- 07/27/2015 - Began working with firewall settings to enable WMI queries.
- Tech Support Ticketing System
- 12/22/2015 - Announced to Financial Services that Service Now is now working.
- 12/11/2015 - Service Now is finished and ready for use.
- 10/29/2015 - System moved into live testing. Fine tuned categories.
- 07/16/2015 - Began initial testing on site and developing the structure.
- 07/02/2015 - Decided upon campus' Service Now Service. Began working with campus to set up a site.
- 06/22/2015 - Began investigating methods for handling requests.
- Local Administrator Password Solution
- 10/14/2015 - Deployed to all of Financial Services.
- 10/12/2015 - Began beta testing on select FS groups.
- 10/05/2015 - Began testing on test machines.
- 09/14/2015 - Passed results on to domain admins for configuration.
- 09/09/2015 - Began research: Discovered LAPS which appears very promising.
- Account Monitor
- Google Groups
- Domain Audit
- 02/01/2018 - Domain Audit Version 2 Started
- 01/08/2016 - Finished Kiosk Monitor, now merging with Event Reader
- 11/30/2015 - Began developing a reporting tool.
- 11/20/2015 - Began research into useful WMI tools.
- Box Sync
- Email Box Manager/Automater
- 10/15/2019 - Project completed
- 10/29/2018 - Project moved to testing phase. Automater and Manager deployed and usable. Automating the email addresses is still pending on a service account.
- 10/08/2018 - Basic manual database functions complete. UI overhaul is complete. Beginning work on enhanced look and researching automation.
- 10/02/2018 - Development of database management software started.
- 10/01/2018 - Basic monitoring program and initial testing database complete.
- 09/28/2018 - Project started
Enable Windows to keep several recent versions of files to enable rolling back to an older version.
Develop an application to read the script logs for Financial Services' scripts and highlight any errors.
Discover how enable mobile devices to print to our network printers.
Build an application that will allow FS Tech Support to determine which computers are older and need replaced.
Find or create a system to manage tech support service calls.
Find a solution for dealing with the local administrator account through group policy.
Voluntary system to monitor Financial Services Employees passwords.
Synchronizes active directory group memberships with google group memberships.
Application to notify FSIT of the status of any of the kiosks that it covers, allowing FSIT to respond quickly to issues with kiosks.
Transfers files to Box(Weber State's cloud storage) using an executable that also keeps file structure when transferred.
This program seeks to make managing multiple email boxes and the proxies with access to those boxes easier by tracking the information in a database. Once this is complete attempts will be made to automate as much of the management as possible.
- Projects Being Tested
These projects have reached the testing phase.
- Event Registration
- 01/06/2020 - Project moved back to testing for new feature requests
- Domain Audit v2
- 02/01/2018 - Domain Audit Version 2 Started
- 01/06/2020 - Domain Audit v2 under optimization
- I Drive Cleanup
- 02/17/2016 - Developed the database layout for the software.
- 02/15/2016 - Began research into the tools and requirements.
- 01/06/2020 - I Drive Cleanup under optimization
Allows students, professionals, and exhibitors to sign up and pay for Summit events. Admins can create events, edit events, and pull reports from events.
Application to notify FSIT of the status of any of the kiosks that it covers, allowing FSIT to respond quickly to issues with kiosks.
Develop software to locate files that are over a specified age on the network drives and, after giving users time to specify which files to not archive, archive the files to a disk not on the network drives.
- Projects in the Pre-Test Stage
These projects are in progress, but have not yet been developed enough for testing.
- Athletics Scoreboard Uploads
- 1/10/2019 Project Initiated
- 01/6/2020 - Project development halted
An online web based app that allows the athletics department to submit the media and options they would like on Daktronics buttons so that IT can then make the buttons.
Projects Last Updated: Mon, 06 Jan 2020 21:24:03 GMT