Shared Drive Clean Up Information
We have created a new website to find old unused files and archive them to free space up on our shared drive. When the files are archived they will be moved from the shared drive and stored externally. This is a walk through guide for keeping important files.
1. Go to the Website
Visit or copy and paste the website link into your URL.
This will be the web page you are brought to.
2. Navigating the Folders
On the left hand side of the website there should be a "" folder that has a clickable plus sign.

Expand the "" folder.
Keep expanding the folder tree until you see folder you want(you will only see folders and files you have rights to).

3. Archiving Files
If you want any file not to be archived; you will need to check the file. (Any unchecked files will be archived)
Click on the folder you want. After you click on the folder, a list of files will be displayed. The files will be displayed with the file's name, the date it was last modified, the username of the last person who has checked or unchecked the file, and a checkbox.

If you want to keep specific files in the shared drive, click the check box by the file name. If you do not check the file it will be archived. When clicking the file check box, your username will display under the "Last Changed By" tab (This is for record purposes).

The "Select All" check box is a toggle switch, if you click the "Select All" box, it will check/uncheck ALL THE FILES IN THE FOLDER. All of the "Last Changed By" sections will display your username.
Checking the "Select All" box.

Unchecking the "Select All" box.

The date bolded under the "Admin Message" is the date that all the unchecked files will be archived. Once you have completed checking all the files you wish to keep, you can simply exit the browser or tab. If a file you need has been archived, please contact Financial Services IT Support.