If you qualify for an assistance program (such as SNAP, WIC, or Home Energy Assistance Target (HEAT)), and live in Weber or Davis County, you are eligible for a FREE smart thermostat and LED bulbs. Thermostats and bulbs are available on a first-come, first serve basis.
Join Weber State's Sustainability Team in increasing the energy efficiency of your home by installing a smart thermostat and efficient lighting – for free!
Do You Qualify?
Free Thermostats
Smart thermostats make it simple to save energy and money while heating and cooling your home. With the Nest E Thermostat the average U.S. household can save over $130 a year.
In addition to saving money, smart thermostats can improve Utah's air quality and support a healthy climate.
Free LED Light Bulbs
By upgrading 5 light fixtures to LED bulbs, households can cut utility bills by over $25 a year according to Energy STAR. LED bulbs use approximately 85% less energy than traditional light bulbs while providing the same amount of light.
How to Participate
1. Determine if your home’s heating and cooling systems are compatible with the Nest E.
2. Contact Natalie Alejandre, Regional HEAT Supervisor, at 801-394-9774 extension 125, or nalejandre@fttinc.org to check if you qualify, and schedule a pick-up time.
3. Install your Nest E thermostat (video tutorial) and LEDs and start saving energy!
The HEAT Program also provides year-round energy and water bill assistance, as well as energy and water-related crisis help for eligible households. HEAT offices are located at 1140 36th Street, Suite 150, Ogden, UT 84403.
More Energy Savings
Use the Energy Efficiency Guide for Utah for easy efficiency tips and guidance.
Discover More Ways to Care for Our Air and Climate
Committed to Our Community
Weber State University is committed to offering our community sustainability programs focused on improving the lives of residents and ensuring a livable, healthy climate for current and future generations. To learn more about our community programs visit our community page.
For more information, contact:
Bonnie Christiansen, Sustainability Programs & Engagement Manager
Sustainability Practices & Research Center
(801) 626-6326 or bchristiansen2@weber.edu
Weber State Sustainability would like to thank our partners for making this program possible!