ECE Advising

Your success as an electrical engineering or computer engineering student starts with a plan. Our team of academic advisors is dedicated to providing high-quality service to each student. Advisors are knowledgeable about navigating the path to graduation and can provide resources for academic and personal success. We can help with registration and basic questions.

Electrical and Computer Engineering Programs

As you go through our programs, we strongly advise you to meet with an advisor regularly and plan the courses you will take.  You can find sample graduation plans based on the 2024-2025  program requirements below.


Applying to the Professional Program

The Professional Program refers to the major-specific courses in the junior and senior years in the EE and CE programs.  Students must be accepted into the Professional Program before taking these courses.  After completing the Pre-Professional Program, students must apply for admittance to the Professional Program.  A minimum GPA of 2.8 in the Pre-Professional Required Courses listed above is required for application to the Professional Program.

Requirements to be accepted into the Professional Program

  • 2.8 GPA in the Pre-Professional Engineering courses
  • C or better in all Pre-Professional Engineering courses

Required EE Pre-Professional Program courses

  • CHEM 1230 - Engineering Chemistry
  • CHEM 1235 - Engineering Chemistry Lab
  • MATH 1210 - Calculus I
  • MATH 1220 - Calculus II
  • MATH 2210 - Calculus III
  • ENGR 2240 Dynamic Systems Engineering (or both MATH 2270 and MATH 2280)
  • PHYS 2210 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I
  • PHYS 2220 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers II
  • ECE 1000 - Introduction to Electrical Engineering (or ENGR 1000)
  • ECE 1270 - Introduction to Electrical Circuits
  • ECE 1400 - Fundamentals of Engineering Computing
  • ECE 2260 - Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits
  • ECE 2700 - Digital Circuits

Required CE Pre-Professional Program courses

  • CS 1410 - Structured Computing in a Selected Language
  • MATH 1210 - Calculus I
  • MATH 1220 - Calculus II
  • ENGR 2240 - Dynamic Systems Engineering (or both MATH 2270 and MATH 2280)
  • PHYS 2210 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I
  • PHYS 2220 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers II
  • ECE 1000 - Introduction to Electrical Engineering (or ENGR 1000)
  • ECE 1270 - Introduction to Electrical Circuits
  • ECE 1400 - Fundamentals of Engineering Computing
  • ECE 2260 - Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits
  • ECE 2700 - Digital Circuits

Required BME Pre-Professional Program courses

  • MATH 1210 - Calculus I
  • MATH 1220 - Calculus II
  • CHEM 1210 - Principles of Chemistry I
  • CHEM 1215 - Principles of Chemistry I Lab
  • CHEM 1220 - Principles of Chemistry II
  • CHEM 1225 - Principles of Chemistry II Lab
  • PHYS 2210 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers I
  • PHYS 2220 - Physics for Scientists and Engineers II
  • MICR 2054 - Principles of Microbiology
  • BME 1000 - Introduction to Biomedical Engineering (or ECE 1000 or ENGR 1000)
  • BME 2000 - BME Sophomore Seminar
  • ECE 1270 - Introduction to Electrical Circuits
  • ECE 1400 - Fundamentals of Engineering Computing
  • ECE 2260 - Fundamentals of Electrical Circuits
  • ECE 2700 - Digital Circuits
  • ENGR 2240 - Dynamic Systems Engineering (or both MATH 2270 and MATH 2280)

Applications to the Professional Program

Please download, print, and complete the application form.


If you have completed the required courses, please submit the completed form to Dr. Eric Gibbons or Judy Smith.  

You may apply to the Professional Program before completing all the required courses in the Pre-Professional Program.  This preliminary acceptance is contingent on completing the required courses with a C grade or better.  A preliminary acceptance to the Professional Program will allow you to enroll in upper-division courses.   If you have not completed a course in the pre-professional program, list the grade as a C when filling out the application and include that placeholder grade when computing your GPA.  A GPA of 2.8 is still required for acceptance to the professional program.  If your GPA falls below 2.8 with these placeholder C grades, wait until you have the final grades after taking the courses before you apply.  

If you are a transfer student, please contact the program coordinator or advisors for instructions on how to complete the application.  


  • Students may enroll in ECE 3610 or ECE 3710 without status in the Professional Program, provided they satisfy the individual course prerequisites.


Further information about current ECE courses can be found in the Catalog or by selecting a syllabus below.



Aimee Golden

ECE Advisor
NB 142T


Dr. Eric Gibbons

ECE Program  Coordinator
NB 245J