By Bernard Augustine DeVoto (1897-1974)
The Crooked Mile (1924) novel
The Chariot of Fire (1926) novel
The House of Sun-Goes-Down (1928) novel
Mark Twain's America (1932)
We Accept With Pleasure (1934) novel
Genius is not Enough (1936) criticism
Forays and Rebuttals (1936) essays
Troubled Star, by John August (Bernard DeVoto) (1939) novel
Rain Before Seven, by John August (Bernard Devoto) (1940) novel
Mark Twain in Eruption (1940), editor
Minority Report (1940) essays
Mark Twain at Work (1942), editor
Advance Agent, by John August (Bernard DeVoto) (1942) novel
The Year of Decision, 1846 (1942)
The Literary Fallacy (1944), criticism
The Portable Mark Twain (1946, editor)
Across the Wide Missouri, With an Account of the Discovery of the Miller Collection (1947) [Pulitzer Prize winner]
Mountain Time (1946) novel
The Hour: A Cocktail Manifesto (1951)
The World of Fiction (1950)
The Course of Empire (1952) [National Book Award]
The Journals of Lewis and Clark (1953) editor
The Easy Chair (1955) essays
Women and Children First by Cady Hewes (1956) essays
About Devoto
The Papers of Bernard DeVoto (1960, Julius P Barclay)
The Letters of Bernard DeVoto (1975, edited by Wallace Stegner)
A Country in the Mind: Wallace Stegner, Bernard DeVoto, History and the American Land, (2000, by John L. Tomas)
The Western Paradox (2001, edited by Douglas Brinkley and Patricia Nelson Limerick)
DeVoto's West: History, Conservation, and the Public Good (2002, edited by Edward K. Muller)
The Selected Letters of Bernard DeVoto and Katharine Sterne (2012, edited by Mark DeVoto)
The Uneasy Char, A Biography of Bernard DeVoto (2015, by Wallace Stegner)
This America of Ours, Bernard and Avis DeVoto and the Forgotten Fight to Save the West (2022, by Nate Schweber)