
Reymala visiting the Weber State campus.

Reymala will be on our campus on Wednesday, October 14th to offer their Clowneando Show and also a presentation on Commedia dell'arte!

Both events are free!

When and where: At 11:30am at the Wildcat Theater (Student Union, for Clowneando)
At 12:30pm in Elizabeth Hall 229 (for the Commedia dell'arte Masterclass)

Don't miss it!


Miguel Ángel Batista and Daniel Tapia with a student

during the Commedia dell'arte Masterclass, 2013

Actors during the Brigham Young University presentation, 2013

Actors during the University of Utah presentation, 2013

Clowneando Poster from 2013

Commedia dell'arte Masterclass Poster from 2013

Miguel Ángel Batista and Daniel Tapia

during the Commedia dell'arte Masterclass, BYU 2017

La reunión de los Zanni at NDPA, 2017

La reunión de los Zanni at WSU, 2017

La reunión de los Zanni, Festival de Teatro Ciudad Juárez, 2017