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Feature Box

Feature boxes are a type of media object card. They display the same elements as cards with the exception of using an optional image header rather than an icon.

Feature Box - Subject Title

Optional Subject Subtitle

This is a feature box module. It can display an optional header image, a title and supporting text. A button can be added to link out. Add the "-visible" modifier to the "feature-box__header-image" element when using a header image/

This block is well-suited to calls-to-action and as a home page element to port the user to more information.

Originally designed by Academic Web Services.

WSU Home

Themed Feature Box - Subject Title

Optional Subject Subtitle

This is a feature box module. It can display an optional header image, a title and supporting text. A button can be added to link out. Add the "-visible" modifier to the "feature-box__header-image" element when using a header image/

This block is well-suited to calls-to-action and as a home page element to port the user to more information.

Originally designed by Academic Web Services.

WSU Home

Feature Box -no-content

Optional Subject Subtitle

This is a feature box module. It can display an optional header image, a title and supporting text. A button can be added to link out. Add the "-visible" modifier to the "feature-box__header-image" element when using a header image/

This block is well-suited to calls-to-action and as a home page element to port the user to more information.

Originally designed by Adam Farrell for Academic Web Services.

WSU Home

Feature Box -no-content

Optional Subject Subtitle

This is a feature box module. It can display an optional header image, a title and supporting text. A button can be added to link out. Add the "-visible" modifier to the "feature-box__header-image" element when using a header image/

This block is well-suited to calls-to-action and as a home page element to port the user to more information.

Originally designed by Adam Farrell for Academic Web Services.

WSU Home

Feature Box -no-header

Optional Subject Subtitle

This is a feature box module. It can display an optional header image, a title and supporting text. A button can be added to link out. Add the "-visible" modifier to the "feature-box__header-image" element when using a header image/

This block is well-suited to calls-to-action and as a home page element to port the user to more information.

Originally designed by Academic Web Services.

WSU Home

Feature Box -no-header

Optional Subject Subtitle

This is a feature box module. It can display an optional header image, a title and supporting text. A button can be added to link out. Add the "-visible" modifier to the "feature-box__header-image" element when using a header image/

This block is well-suited to calls-to-action and as a home page element to port the user to more information.

Originally designed by Academic Web Services.

WSU Home

Alternative Feature Box

This is a feature-box-alt module. It can be used to provide a repeating design structure for content basic content on a page.

This block is well-suited for breaking up informational content into smaller, more parsable, sections.

Designed by Adam Farrell for Academic Web Services.

WSU Home

Alternative Feature Box - themed

This is a feature-box-alt module. It can be used to provide a repeating design structure for content basic content on a page.

Designed by Adam Farrell for Academic Web Services.

WSU Home

Subject Title

Optional Subject Subtitle

This is a feature box module. It can display an optional header image, a title and supporting text. A button can be added to link out. Add the "-visible" modifier to the "feature-box__header-image" element when

Subject Title

Optional Subject Subtitle

This is a feature box module. It can display an optional header image, a title and supporting text. A button can be added to link out. Add the "-visible" modifier to the "feature-box__header-image" element when using a header image/

This block is well-suited to calls-to-action and as a home page element to port the user to more information.

Originally designed by Adam Farrell for Academic Web Services.