A Stressful Time of Year
November 29, 2018
by Barb Trask, Associate Dean of the College of Science
A quick Google™ search for “stress during the holidays” yields dozens of tips, tricks and management strategies from such sources as WebMD, Mayo Clinic, and The American Psychological Association. These lists were clearly not written with college students in mind! NONE of them include suggestions for how to handle the PRE-holiday, ‘End-of-the-semester’ grind!
And a “grind” it is. When one grinds pepper or coffee beans, they’re pulverized into a fine powder. That’s what a semester seems to do to our science students! They start each semester refreshed, energetic, and full of enthusiasm for the wonder that our natural world holds. But now, as the Christmas holiday approaches, the signs of the ‘end-of-the-semester’ grind are omnipresent. Heads are down as CoS students zombie-slog their way through the halls of Tracy Hall. Faces are pale due to lack of both sleep and good nutrition. Teeth are filed down to tiny nubs from continual gnashing while students juggle the numerous lab reports, ‘signature assignments’, and exams that must be completed in these last few weeks before rest can finally come.
Having seen this all numerous times before, our science students will persist. But it’s not going to be either easy or pretty. Despite only two more weeks until the semester’s end, there are, as Robert Frost would say, “miles to go before [they] sleep.” There’s much work yet to be done and many points yet to be earned.
Although it’s our science student’s grit and determination that will most certainly get them through this arduous and stressful time, I’ll paraphrase some of the aforementioned tips, tricks and management strategies in the hope that they’ll help our CoS students make it through these grinding times with just a little less pain.
1. Acknowledge your feelings. It’s ok to vent and let your family know that you’re stressed beyond all hope of a meaningful recovery! Scream, cry or go silent. Whatever you have to do to get the point—that you are near the end of your proverbial rope—across.
2. Learn when to say ‘no’, and when to say ‘yes’. It’s ok to skip family functions till finals are finished. Say ‘no’ to these—your family will forgive and still love you—but say ‘yes’ to study groups, as these can be your last-minute saviors!
3. Be realistic. You can only do so much at this point in the semester. You’re not going to be able to bring that D up to an A. You can, however, bust your butt to earn a B- or C+. Whatever grade ends up being entered, know that you did the best you could given the circumstances this fall semester. If you strive to do better, make some changes for Spring and move happily forward.
4. Plan ahead. While this might mean making shopping lists or pre-planning holiday meals in the context of holiday stress, here I’ll just recommend that you keep focussing on the tasks at hand; Make timetables and stick to them. But don’t forget to keep the ‘light at the end of the tunnel’ in your peripheral view. Trust me—it’ll keep you going.
5. Give yourself a treat. Take a much-needed and earned a study break. Whatever indulgence or ‘guilty pleasure’ will keep you motivated, do it. Go to Farr’s and have a triple scoop. Watch a 3-hour movie. Hike to the peak of Ben Lomond. Do it…but make it count, because you can only do it once during these next two weeks!
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Saturday: 6:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday: Closed
Holidays & Breaks Hours may vary
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Weber State University
College of Science
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