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Certified Environmental Sciences H.S. Students Program

Our Planet, Your Future!

"Weber SU-CESS" connects interested local high school students and their teachers to Weber State University's College of Science faculty, students and the environmental science major option. The program promotes the relevance of environmental science research specifically in the areas of ecology, air, water and climate. Students will acquire experience in the process of doing research as a citizen within the classroom.  Then a summer day in the field with expert faculty and their students learning and doing research in one of the areas culminates their experience. 

Weber SU-CESS Classroom Certification

Local high school environmental science teachers or advisors for environmental consciences student clubs are invited to teach up to four units (ecology, air, water and climate) using reserved classroom kits. The kits teach students environmental topics, give them the opportunity to experiment and practice gathering and reporting collected data. Each unit takes two weeks to complete.

Each completed unit qualifies the class for an award. Bronze is awarded to those who complete one unit, silver is for two units, gold for three and platinum is for the completion of all four units. A class party will be offered by the college that will include a level-specific classroom award, individual awards and of course, food. 


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Weber SU-CESS Field Day

High school students who have completed the classroom certifications are now eligible to apply for an all expenses paid field day research opportunity with WSU faculty and student mentors in their certified area(s).  The more areas one is certified in, the more chances a student has to participate.

Weber SU-CESS participants will visit various Utah locations, learn about the skills and tools needed when doing environmental research and build relationships with faculty and student mentors.

All meals and transportation (once on campus) will be provided. The day will end with fun awards and prizes for student's efforts and experiences.


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with environmental sciences classroom kits.

What to expect from each two-week unit:

Initial formative assessment and an introduction to the topic.
Classroom activities, exciting experiments and determine field locations.
Review key concepts and introduce the importance of research.
Fieldwork and data collection then analyze and enter collected data.
Final formative assessment and presentation of findings.
Celebrate completing the class certification level with Weber State Science.

Teachers Apply and Reserve The Lesson Kits Today

View Kit Contents

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June ##, 2020

General Schedule of Events Coming Soon    Required Parent Release Forms Coming Soon


Brief Description To Come

To be eligible students must complete the classroom lesson unit for this subject and submit documentation of collected data with teacher approval.

Reserve Your Spot


Brief Description To Come

To be eligible students must complete the classroom lesson unit for this subject and submit documentation of collected data with teacher approval.  

Reserve Your Spot


Brief Description To Come

To be eligible students must complete the classroom lesson unit for this subject and submit documentation of collected data with teacher approval. 

Reserve Your Spot


Brief Description To Come

To be eligible students must complete the classroom lesson unit for this subject and submit documentation of collected data with teacher approval.   

Reserve Your Spot

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Let's Connect!




Amanda Gentry
Monday - Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Mailing address

Weber State University
College of Science
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2501
Ogden, UT 84408-2501

Building location

Tracy Hall Science Center 

Click for campus map