The College of Science provides a variety of scholarships on a competitive basis for qualifying students. Premedical Professional students who are not majoring in the College of Science should contact their major's college and/or department for other scholarship opportunities.
Update your personal information with the FAFSA/Scholarship Office.
- If you have questions, schedule your free appointment with a financial coach by emailing or calling 801-626-7794.
What to bring to your appointment.
Fill out the Scholarship Universe Application, to be considered for one of the private donor scholarships.
Scholarships will be awarded year-round. A list of College of Science awarded scholarship and donors are listed below.
- This one application accesses all on-campus scholarships and thousands of national scholarships! It takes 30 minutes minimum and up to hours to set up an account. You determine how little or how much you share. This tool should be updated every year to ensure you match the scholarships for which you are eligible and want to be considered. Scholarship applications are considered on a first-come, first-served basis. The earlier you apply, the better.
TIP: If you are applying for an activity or department specific scholarship, contact the department awarding the scholarship for any additional information.
Consider College of Science focused funding award programs.
Propel Award Program
Students awarded a Propel Scholarship complete a science, technology, engineering, or mathematics education endorsement degree within two years of being awarded the scholarship. The Propel Scholarship covers the full cost of attendance for those two years. In exchange for this support, Propel Scholars pledge to teach in a high-needs school for four years.
Undergraduate Research Awards
The Weber State University College of Science is please to solicit proposals for Undergraduate Research Awards for the Frantz Family Research Endowment, the Jim S. Bateman Undergraduate Research Fund, the Thompson Science Research Program and the Pope M. and Grace C. Burkhart Undergraduate Research Fellowship. Applications are typically available in October and March.
BOTANY Scientists Program
Through the events and paid opportunities in the BOTANY Scientists project you will serve the national interest by establishing practices to improve student mindset and persistence in botany. Considering a degree in botany for the first time? Apply for a PAID two-week summer botany bridge program.
Not A "TYPICAL" Student?
College of Science Donor Scholarships
Anatomy Student Teacher ScholarshipDr. O. Marvin Lewis Pre-Medical ScholarshipDr. O. Wendell Hyde ScholarshipDr. Lowell Daines Scholarship in Pre-MedicineEugene M. Hall Pre-Pharmacy ScholarshipFrantz Family Research Award FellowshipAdams-Bond Scholarship for Women in Science
TY building hours
Monday - Thursday:
6:30 a.m. - 11 p.m.
Friday: 6:30 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Saturday: 6:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Sunday: Closed
Holidays & Breaks Hours may vary
Mailing address
Weber State University
College of Science
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2501
Ogden, UT 84408-2501