General Lab Rules and Etiquette
- For more information on printing in our labs, please see our Printing page.
- Academic work takes priority in our labs. Checking your email, browsing the internet, or looking at your social media account are all appropriate things to do on the computers after your academic work is complete. Please be mindful of others needing to use the computers for their own academic purposes.
- Please clean up after yourself in the labs; our lab assistants only are responsible for sanitizing lab equipment and spaces. We have recycling and waste bins in every lab to dispose of unwanted garbage and papers.
- Children must be accompanied and supervised by an adult. If child supervision does not occur or disruptions start, the adult and child will be asked to leave.
- You are important as well as your friends and fellow students. Please be courteous and respectful of other students in the lab and keep your noise and computer volume to a low level. NUAMES High School students also frequent our labs; please be mindful of them as they are minors.
- Prevent panic attacks, stress, and grief by saving your work often onto a flash drive or your free WSU Google Drive or Box accounts.
- Respect and share all lab equipment and supplies within the labs. Lab-provided equipment and supplies must remain in the computer labs as they are property of Weber State University regardless of if they are tagged, untagged, wireless, or wired. The only exception is for checkout laptops. Theft and damage of lab equipment and supplies violate the WSU Student Code PPM 6-22 and may be subject to sanctions from the University and law enforcement including paying for intentionally broken equipment.
- Copying of software or computer programs is strictly prohibited unless authorized by the owner of the copyright. If you need to download University-approved software for your personal device, please see the Weber State Software page.
- Service animals are permitted in our computer labs. Students with service animals are solely responsible for their care, control, and clean-up. Emotional support animals (ESAs) and pets are strictly prohibited in the labs. Students with unattended and disruptive service animals and any ESAs and pets in the labs will be in violation of University’s Animals on Campus Policy and will be asked to leave the labs immediately.
- The student open computer labs are available to registered Weber State University student use only.
- Students must have a valid Wildcat username and password to log on to the computers.
- Students must have a valid Wildcard to print in the labs.
- Food and drinks are allowed but must not be consumed near computer equipment. All drinks must be capped.
- Cell phones are allowed if used quietly. Please leave the lab area if you have to make or take a call.
- If you are a student with a disability and need additional accommodations in our computer labs, please work with the Disability Service Center to register and then we can work with you on the accommodations you need.
Lab Assistants
- Lab assistants are there to help students with basic computer questions and for general information. Lab assistants and their instructions must be respected and followed.
- The lab assistant is not a software expert. They are familiar with and may help you with word processing software such as Microsoft Suite. Google Docs, ePortfolios, and Adobe Creative Cloud Software. Questions on software specific to class should be directed to your professor.
- The lab assistant is not a tutor and will not do your homework for you.
The use of the computer labs on campus are governed by Weber State University's Acceptable Use Policy