Committee and Officer Info

Student Code Petition Committee

The Student Code Petition Committee (“Committee”) is the committee designated to hear all formal level petitions involving student grievances regarding administrative, academic, or behavioral issues under the Student Code, with jurisdiction further described in the Student Code and rules created by Student Code Advisory Committee. The Committee shall be selected from a pool of individuals appointed by the President, or his or her designee. The makeup of any Committee needed to hear any given student petition shall be based on the rules created by the Student Code Advisory Committee and may comprise a single individual or a panel, with additional members added as required by the rules. In any given student petition, the selection from the pool of individuals and designation of a member to act as Chair shall be determined by the Due Process Officer. The Committee members must be able to engage in independent judgment regarding the petition at hand and must recuse themselves if they are unable to do so.

Due Process Officer

The Due Process Officer serves in two ways to ensure that the University follows its rules when students complain about actions or decisions made by the University. The first way is the Due Process Officer can be a point of contact to students to understand the complaint process itself. Although much of the relevant information about how to complain is on the complaint website (URL), the Due Process Officer can provide additional background to help you negotiate the complaint process. However, the Due Process Officer is not a student advocate and cannot evaluate or resolve any complaint you may have. The second way the Due Process Officer ensures that the University follows its rules is by evaluating whether complaints, once adjudicated through proper channels, was done in a timely and justified manner. A student under certain circumstances can trigger this review if there is a concern that the issue was not handled appropriately.

Dr. Valerie Herzog


In accordance with PPM 6-22,

"If jurisdiction is not clear or the issues exceed the jurisdictional scope of a particular hearing committee, the matter shall be referred to the Due Process Officer for assignment to an appropriate committee. An appropriate committee may be fashioned for specific purposes, so long as appropriate University due process procedures are followed."

Under some circumstances, a matter may come to the Due Process Officer where the matter needs to be adjudicated at Level 1, but there is overlapping jurisdiction between Level 1 review bodies. Under these circumstances, the Due Process Officer may fashion an appropriate review of the matter that may omit a first-level review, so long as all Level 1 review bodies are permitted an opportunity to be heard at Level 2.

Waiver of Deadlines

Any deadline described herein may be extended to accommodate extraordinary circumstances, as determined at the discretion of the Due Process Officer. The University strives to handle things as efficiently and timely as possible.