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Office of Community Development

The Office of Community Development is responsible for supporting the vision, core values and mission of Weber State University by serving as a catalyst for convening anchor institutions to create civic action plans.

Programs & Partnerships

  • Community Programs

    Ogden Civic Action Network is dedicated to the East Central Neighborhood of Ogden, UT, providing residents with opportunities and resources to health, education and housing. 

  • Service Opportunities

    For service opportunities with the Office of Community Development, OgdenCAN or the East Central Neighborhood are coordinated through the Center for Community Engaged Learning.
    Contact: 801-626-7737 or

  • Anchor Institutions & Partners

    Partnership alignment is critical to community development! Some of our current partners include: Ogden United Way, Weber County Intergenerational Poverty Initiative, Utah Alliance, Ogden Diversity Commission, and Latinos United Promoting Education and Collaboration.

  • Higher Education Collaborative

    Weber State University is a member of the Anchor Collaborative which is sponsored by the Coalition for Urban Metropolitan Universities and The Democracy Collaborative. Both organizations aim to unite resources towards better communities.



Weber State University
Office of Community Development
3850 Dixon Parkway, Dept. 1004
Ogden, UT 84408-1004