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Communication Newsletter

May 2022

Congratulations to our Spring and Summer 2022 Graduates


Bachelor Degrees:

Elmer Acevedo-Garcia
Caden Alberts
Ashley Andersen***
Allyse Anderson
Jessica Anderson
Amy Arnold
Rachael Avery
Bex Baggett
Carisa Barker
Shelby Moyes Batis***
Mikaela Bingham
Collins Blakely*
Laura Bramall***
Autumn Brown*
Vukota Brunker
April Burger***
Alexandra Checketts
Tracy Compton***
Bianca De Leon
Nicole Dorber
Drew Durbano
Raphael Even-Hen**

Brayden Evensen
Conner Ford
Sawyer Frost
Dalton Gallegos
Alexanderia Gerritsen
Casey Gibbons
Jordan Gibson
Rebecca Gonzales*
Camille Gonzalez***
Logan Gossett
Jennifer Greenlee*^
Sophia Hansen*
Tamra Hendrickson
Haylee Judkins*
Joshua Kamp**
David Kristensen*
Lissete Landaverde
Sidney Metcalf
Andy Moya
Marisa Nelson*
Caitlyn Larsen Nichols***
Gavin Perkins

Elle Petersen
Hannah Phelps
Rebecca Price
Brittany Rocha
Katelynn Schirle
Miles Shaw
Micah Shoaf
Braden Smith
Emily Sterzer**
Kari Sweeten
Spencer Teramoto
Ashlyn Thompson
Kaitlyn Tripps
Carry Tuttle
Grant Ulrigg
Nathaly Vaioleti
Maykel Valladeres*
Harrison Walters**
Catherine Weimer*
Briana Whatcott
Jamie Winston***
Alexis Van Orden

*Cum Laude
**Magna Cum Laude
***Summa Cum Laude
^Departmental Honors

Master of Professional Communication:

Estefania Arevalo
Amy Choate
Jessika Clark
Katie England
Emily Dziatlik
Benjamin Ferney
Corie Holmes

Alicia Miller
Morgan Pales
Matthew Powell
Lorrie Rands
Anna Robbins
Sarah Tooker
Camra Wilcox

Associate of Communication:

Ryleigh Boechel
Lizbeth Correa
Garrett Lee

Associate of Workplace Communication & Writing:

Aubrielle Degn

Associate of Digital Media Production:

April Burger
Emelie Gorham
Jack Hamblin
Camryn Johnson
Jessica Krok
Rachel Loveland
Domnique Rivera
Alexander Sheridan

Telitha E. Lindquist College of Arts & Humanities Commencement is Friday April 29th at 3:00 p.m. at the Val A. Browning Center.

Bon Voyage

We want to thank Ryan Cheek for over 10 years of service as a faculty member in Weber State's Department of Communication. Ryan was initially hired as the Assistant Director of Forensics and coached the debate team to many years of success. Most recently, he taught full-time in various courses including Communication Theory and Communication Law. Ryan earned his Ph.D. from Utah State University in Technical Communication & Rhetoric in Spring 2022 and accepted a tenure-track position at Missouri University of Science and Technology. Best of luck, Ryan!

Cami Saban will also be leaving us to work in public relations for Brigham City. Cami taught this past year in our general education courses like Interpersonal & Small Group Communication and Principles of Public Speaking. We wish Cami the best!


Master of Professional Communication Celebrates 10 years.

10 Years of MPC
The Master of Professional Communication program at Weber State University is ten years old! We’ll be celebrating the milestone on Monday, May 2nd.

Beginning Fall 2022 The Department of Communication is offering an exciting new emphasis: Social Media and Data Analytics.

We have a new course offering this fall as well: Comm 2980, Storytelling in Cinematic Virtual Reality. For more information on the class, please contact Aaron Atkins.

A reminder that if you are not graduating and still not sure what classes to take summer or fall, please reach out to an academic advisor or Anne Bialowas.

Get Involved – Join a Communication Club!

The Signpost

Dr. Jean Norman

Studio 76

Dr. Aaron Atkins

KWCR Wildcat Radio

Dr. Jean Norman

WSU Debate

Coach Lauren Johnson

WSU Speech

Coach Mark Galaviz

Ogden Peak Communications

Dr. Leslie Howerton


Dr. Leslie Howerton

Society of Professional Journalists

Dr. Jean Norman

Departmental Honors

Dr. Hailey Gillen Hoke

Lambda Pi Eta

Dr. Robin Haislett