Moyes Academic Support and Technology Endowment Committee (ASTEC)
The Moyes Academic Support and Technology Endowment supports the following funding needs for the College of Education:
- Technology for pedagogy/teaching
- Research
- Professional growth and support for faculty and staff
- Student support
- Program development
- Special programs support
The following funding needs are NOT supported by the ASTEC:
- Regular faculty or classroom technology needs/upgrades (faculty interested in pursuing such upgrades should work through their department chair and the College funding sources)
- Undergraduate or graduate student projects
- Professional memberships
When submitting a proposal, please explain how you will obtain matching funds and when you anticipate receiving those funds. In addition, please include detailed estimates of your expenses and any support letters that you may have. These need to be compiled in a single document and submitted with your application.
Applications for funds higher than $5,000 will be reviewed if you have also applied for matching funds, but the committee will advise those funds not be released unless matching funds have been approved.
For projects involving technology, please review hardware/software specifications with Paul Dykman prior to your proposal submission.
Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit their proposal for review to their department committee representative for feedback prior to formal submission.
ASTEC will review proposals once per semester.
Submission Deadlines:
October 29, 2025
ASTEC Proposal Ranking Rubric
MCOE Endowment Application Form
The electronic application can be found below and in the Resources tab of the MCOE Canvas site.
Dates between parenthesis indicate the end of a member's term for service on the committee.
Qi Jin (2026)
Sachini Kodi (2025)
Paul Schvaneveldt (2025)
Gina Cook (2026)
James Zagrodnick (2025)
Chris Eisenbarth (2025) - Chair
Jesse Nixon (2026)
Marilyn Taft (2026)
Dean's Office
Paul Dykman (On-going)