Dr. Michelle B. Paustenbaugh
Contact Information
Email: mpaustenbaugh@weber.edu
Phone: 801-626-7810
Office Location:
Tracy Hall Science Center (TY)
Room 255E
Teaching Philosophy & Focus
Since childhood, I have been interested in understanding the natural world. Though intrigued by physics because of its scope from the smallest systems, sub-subatomic particles, to the largest, galaxies and the universe, I chose chemistry for its usefulness in everyday life. Chemistry explains how my car extracts energy from gasoline, how the choices in my diet affect my blood sugar, and how ibuprofen helps with aches and pains after a long hike with my dogs. In teaching, I want to share this knowledge, encourage others to use it, and discover more. Chemistry is a wonderful subject to help people learn to think for themselves: identifying problems, creating plans to solve/study problems, identifying resources to solve those problems, and using time allotted (often limited) to solve problems. When interacting with my students, I direct my energy to help them realize their potential by working with their current skill set to increase their self-efficacy. My goals for my students are for them to cultivate their problem-solving skills and meaningful verbal and written communication of their work to others regardless of their chosen field.
Courses Taught
Search Catalog For Course Details
Research Areas of Interest
Since earning my Ph.D. studying physical chemistry, my research interests have focused on chemistry education. Currently, I am working with students to develop inexpensive, green, and effective physical chemistry lab experiments. Students interested in chemistry education and physical chemistry are welcome to join me to improve the laboratory experience for chemistry and biochemistry majors taking the Foundations of Physical Chemistry, CHEM 3410. Additionally, I am interested in creating more productive ways to use class time for chemistry classes and how to make the classroom a more welcoming experience for students who may have some reservations about science and math coursework.
Office Hours
Monday - Friday
7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Room TY255, Mail Code 2503
Mailing Address
Weber State University
Department of Chemistry
and Biochemistry
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2503
Ogden, UT 84408-2503