Upcoming Speakers

AVID Faculty Development and Professional Learning Conference

How the Mind Learns

Bill Madigan

November 27, 2018
Dumke Hall, Hurst Center
Lunch 12:30-1:30 pm
Breakout Session 1:30-3:30 pm




  • Current Lead writer for English Learner curriculum
  • Member of AVID CBD (College by Design) Team lead by Mike Neece – one time AVID Director of Special Initiatives and currently Assistant Superintendent of Fresno Unified Schools. CBD was an APIP grant aimed at increasing success in Advanced Placement courses at six middle and high school pairs across the U.S.
  • Lead Writer of National AVID Curriculum Guide to Teaching English Learners
  • AVID Consultant on neuroscience of learning and the Social Emotional  elements key to enduring learning
  • Authored 30+ blogs on AVID.org


Cultivating Academic Honesty

Dorothea Herreiner

Tuesday, September 25th

1:30-3:30 pm

Alumni Center Garden Room

What is academic honesty?  What do students know and think about academic honesty?  What are effective ways to enhance academic honesty?  This workshop will discuss approaches to introducing and reinforcing academic honesty in classes and reasons and forms for academic dishonesty.  During the workshop, we will consider some effective hands-on approaches, in aprticular, an interactive tool based on selected academic honesty challenges students frequently encounter in different disciplines.  Based on these, we will discuss typical academic honesty challenges in classes and ways to address them.

DOROTHEA K. HERREINER served 6 years as the Director of the Center for Teaching Excellence at LMU.  She grew the scope and programming significantly during her years as Director, adding, among others, faculty development programs for adjuncts, a wide selection of hands-on workshops, a series of events with Student Affairs, and several mentoring and support programs for faculty.  As CTE Director, Dorothea was the Conference Chair of the AJCU Faculty Developers and organized several national and international conferences (issotl, IISSAM, Reacting to the Past, Breaking Boundaries).  She has presented and held workshops at different faculty development, teaching, and disciplinary conferences and higher-education institutions.

At LMU, Dorothea has served as Acting Department Chair for the Economics Department and on many committees, task forces, and ad-hoc working groups including the Faculty Senate, the University Core Curriculum Committee, the elected Grievance Committee, and the Academic Technology Committee.  Currently, Dorothea serves on the board fro the Reacting-to-the-Past Consortium.

Dorothea received her Ph.D. in Economics from teh European University Institue in Florence, Italy.  At LMU, she teaches courses in Game Theory, Mathematical Economics, Microeconomics, Economics of Art, and others.  She has published and presented her theoretical and experimental work on market organization, justive and fairness, competition attitudes, and public goods, among others.  She is the founding Director of LMU's Experimental Economics Laboratory and serves on the editorial board of Games.