Finding an Internship
- Virtual Internships
- Handshake - Find career and internship opportunities for Weber State students and alumni in your field of study.
- Career Counselors - Each college has a career counselor who can help you along your career and internship path.
- Internship Coordinators - Most majors on campus have designated internship coordinators. These internship coordinators also can help you find internship opportunities that are related to your respective major. Internship coordinators also teach major-specific internship courses so you can get credit for your internship experience.
There are many types of internships
- Paid
- Non-paid
- For credit
- Not for credit
- Semester-long Internships
- Year-long Internships
- On-campus Internships
- Off-campus internships
No matter what type of internship you choose, the goal is the same: to gain useful knowledge, skills, experiences, and connections that can help you get a job in your chosen career path.
Internship Benefits
"...93% of executives and 94% of hiring managers say that they would be more likely to hire a recent graduate who has held an internship or apprenticeship with a company or organization."
Hart Research Associates, 2019. Survey conducted on behalf of the Association of American Colleges and Universities
Who gets the job when choosing between equally qualified candidates? The Intern.
On a scale of 1-5, 1 being no influence in the hiring decision and 5 being extreme influence in the hiring decision…1
“Has internship experience in your industry”
Scored 4.4
“Has completed an internship with your organization”
Scored 4.6
On average, employers begin the recruitment process for interns EIGHT MONTHS prior to the start date.2
93% of hiring, managers are more likely to hire a recent grad who had an internship or apprenticeship 3
66% of employers surveyed indicated that 2 or more internship experiences were necessary for employment consideration 4
1 NACE Job Outlook Study, 2020 | 2 NACE Internship & Co-op Survey, 2020 | 3 Hart Research Associates, 2018 | 4 CERI Recruiting Research Brief 6, 2013
How does this apply to me?
Internships are a great way for you to gain valuable experience, exercise existing skills, apply knowledge in your coursework, and to gain new skills and knowledge. The earlier and more often you complete internships, the more likely you'll get the job!
Internships: Early and Often Infographic (PDF)