Jason Baldi
Management Information Systems, 2024
Why Management Information Systems?
It was my wife’s influence that led me to choose management information systems. She got her degree in accounting, and once out in that profession saw the opportunity available for MIS grads.
My Experience
I completed half of my education at the University of Utah, then moved to Farmington and completed my studies at Weber State. The classes at the U were big; when I came to WSU I was happy with the smaller, hands-on atmosphere of the classes. The professors know who you are and how you learn, so it’s a much more one-on-one experience. It was a great transition for me, and made a HUGE difference. I actually learned the concepts as opposed to just getting through the classes.
Faculty Impact
I really enjoyed Jason Koop and Matt Thue’s classes – they have a way of presenting the material that makes everything fun. Randy Boyle was fantastic, and Evan Barlow had a big influence on me. As part of my research, he helped me to identify where I could focus in order to get meaningful results out of my studies.
When you first start it can be so overwhelming – with all of the assignments, and exams, and full schedules. I take it one assignment at a time, one exam at a time. One at a time is manageable. And don’t put it off, get it done. Get it done as early as you can.
What’s Next?
I’ll be looking for employment in the northern Utah area.