1098-T Frequently Asked Questions
Beginning in the 2019 tax year, Weber State University reports adjustments to payments made for a prior year in Box 4. This includes reimbursements or refunds of qualified tuition and related expenses made in the current tax year that relate to payments received that were reported for any prior year after 2002.
The 1098-T form for the current tax year will also have a blank value in Box 3. In 2018 this contained a Checkbox for Change of Reporting Method. Beginning in tax year 2018, WSU started reporting payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses, and no longer reports amounts billed for qualified tuition and fees. Prior to the 2018 tax year, WSU reported reductions in charges billed for qualified tuition and related expenses.
For a payment to be reportable, it must relate to qualified tuition and related expenses billed during the same calendar year.
The amount reported on the 1098-T may not be the amount you would report on your tax return. We recommend that you seek a tax professional for tax-related information. It is the responsibility of each taxpayer to determine eligibility for educational tax benefits and how to calculate them. WSU cannot advise you on how to claim the tax benefits.
Form 1098-T Tuition Statements
The IRS form 1098-T (Tuition Statement) is issued for each student enrolled and for whom a reportable transaction is made.
When is the form sent?
Electronic copies will be available to eligible students by January 31. For eligible students who did not consent to electronic delivery of form 1098-T, a hard copy will be post-marked and mailed by January 31.
- Verify that WSU has your correct address and Taxpayer Identification Number (such as SSN or ITIN). To update this information, visit the Update Your Information page and complete this action by January 10. If you update this information after January 10, please see “Special Exceptions” below.
- Sign up for electronic delivery of your 1098-T by January 10, for quicker access on the Self-Service Tax Information page. Select "Electronic 1098T YES" and click "Save.” You do not have to be a current student to access the 1098-T form online. You may revoke your consent at any time.
- After January 31, review your statements on the “View/Pay Tuition and Fees” e-Weber portal page and review your 1098-T form
- Seek a tax professional for tax-related information. WSU cannot provide tax-planning assistance to students. It is up to each taxpayer to determine eligibility for the education credits and how to calculate them
- If you are required to file a Federal Income Tax Return, do so before the IRS deadline
Questions and Answers
I took classes last year, why didn’t I receive a form 1098-T?
- Does WSU have your valid Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) issued by the U.S. Government (such as SSN or ITIN) on file? Need to Update?
- Is your address on file with WSU correct? Need to update? Contact the Registrar's Office.
- Did you make payments for qualified tuition and related expenses between January 1-December 31?
- Were you billed charges for qualified tuition and related expenses between January 1-December 31? Important Note: Registration charges are billed on the date that you register. If you registered for spring classes in the prior December, those charges were billed in December, and may have been part of the calculations for the prior year form 1098-T instead of part of the calculations for the current year form 1098-T.
- Please see “Special Exceptions” below.
After checking all of the above, if you still believe you had reportable transactions in the current tax year and are due a form 1098-T, please email taxcredit@weber.edu or call 801-626-7877.
What amount is in each box?
Please review the Form 1098-T and Instructions for Form 1098-T on the IRS website.
Special Exceptions: I am an international student and did not receive Form 1098-T
If you are a non-resident alien student and do not have U.S. source income (U.S. scholarships, awards, waivers etc.) that is subject to tax, WSU is exempt from issuing a Form 1098-T to you, unless requested. Requests can be made by sending an email to taxcredit@weber.edu.
Special Exceptions: I updated my address after January 10, how do I get my 1098-T?
Sign up for electronic delivery of your 1098-T on the Self-Service Tax Information page. Select ""Electronic 1098T YES"" and click "Save.” Electronic copies will be available to eligible students by January 31.
If you are eligible for a form 1098-T, a hard copy may have been post-marked and mailed to your prior address by January 31.
If you have not received your hard copy at either your prior or newly-updated address by February 18, and you have not signed up for electronic delivery of your 1098-T, please send an e-mail to taxcredit@weber.edu to request a new copy.
Special Exceptions: I updated my valid Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) issued by the U.S. Government (SSN or ITIN) after January 10, 2022, how do I get my 1098-T?
Please send an e-mail to taxcredit@weber.edu to request a copy.
We also recommend that you sign up for electronic delivery of your 1098-T on the Self-Service Tax Information page. Select "Receive my 1098 only in electronic format" and click "Save.” Electronic copies will be available to eligible students by January 31.
How do I get a 1098-T from prior years?
We recommend that you sign up for electronic delivery of your 1098-T on the Self-Service Tax Information page. Select "Receive my 1098 only in electronic format" and click "Save.” After doing so, you can review prior year 1098-Ts from 2008 forward.
Current and prior 1098-T forms can be accessed electronically in your eWeber portal. Instructions are HERE. In some cases, 1098-T forms that were created manually in the past are not available online.
If you need a 1098-T for a prior year, and do not see it available after signing up for electronic delivery on the Self-Service Tax Information page, please send an e-mail to taxcredit@weber.edu to request a copy.
Forms for tax year 2017 and older will be created based on the old reporting method (amounts billed for qualified tuition and related expenses). Forms for tax year 2018 onward will be created based on the new reporting method (payments received for qualified tuition and related expenses).
I have an Alternate Social Security number, how do I get a 1098-T?
Due to IRS regulations, you must furnish the school a Tax Identification Number (TIN) for 1098-T purposes. The most common Tax Identification Number is the social security number or the individual tax identification number (ITIN). See the Update Your Information page for more information.
After updating your TIN, please send an e-mail to taxcredit@weber.edu to request a copy.
I enrolled in Continuing Education classes, am I eligible for a tax credit?
Please refer to IRS Publication 970 about the possibility of using the Lifetime Learning Credit for these types of classes.
Look for payments, charges, credits, and refunds in your statements on the “Student Bill” e-Weber Portal page."
What is Weber State University's Employer Identification Number (EIN)?
WSU’s Employer Identification Number (EIN), also known as the Filer’s Federal Identification Number, is 876000535. For eligible students claiming education credits such as the American Opportunity and Lifetime Learning Credits, this number may be needed on IRS Form 8863.
Where do I find electronic copies of my 1098-T forms?
For eligible students who sign up for electronic delivery of the 1098-T you may view your 1098T by selecting for "View/Pay Tuition Fees" in the eWeber portal. Then select "View IRS 1098T form". Detailed instructions to access your current 1098-T forms are HERE.
How do I see what I was charged and how much I paid?
Review your statements on the “Student Bill” e-Weber Portal page
How do I update my address or taxpayer identification number (such as SSN or ITIN)?
Please visit the Registrar's Office.
How can I get more information about the 1098-T?
- IRS 1098-T Form and Instructions
- IRS Tax Benefits for Education
- IRS Publication 970, Tax Benefits for Education
How do I resolve an issue with the 1098-T form that was provided to me or one that should have been provided to me?
- Email taxcredit@weber.edu
- Call 801-626-7877