Ashley Badali

Pronouns: she/her
Weber State University, Program of Interior Design
Ogden, Utah 8440 5


Master of Education in Learning and Technology
Western Governors University, 2018

Bachelor of Science
in Interior Design Weber State Univ ersity, 2017

Bachelor of Science
in Professional Sales Weber State University, 2017

Fashion Merchandising Minor
Weber State University, 2017

500 hour RYT Teacher Training Certification
Yoga Alliance, 2020

Teaching Experience - Instructor of Record

Weber State University

Fall 2023
IDT 1010 WSD - Introduction to Interior Design
IDT 2080 ONL - Introduction to Advanced Interior Architectural Drafting & Design
IDT 3020 WSD - American & Modern Interiors

Summer 2023
IDT 4830 STA - Directed Reading
Spring 2023 - IDT 2860 VTL Interior Design Practicum Studio
IDT 2820 WSD - Historical Interiors
IDT 2020 ONL - Computer Aided Design & Drafting

Fall 2022
IDT 1050 ONL -Architectural Drafting
IDT 1010 WSUm- Introducti on to Interior Design
IDT 2080 ONL - Introduction to Advanced Interior Architectural Drafting & Design
IDT 3020 WSD - Amer ican & Modern Interiors

Summer 2022
IDT 2860 STA - Interior Design Practicum Studio

Spring 2022 
IDT 1050 ONL - Architectural Drafting
IDT 2020 ONL - Computer Aided Design & Drafting
IDT 2035 ONL - Design Process & Space Planning
IDT 2860 VTL - Interior Design Practicum Studio

Fall 2021
IDT 2080 ONL - Introduction to Advanced Interior Architectural Drafting & Design
IDT 1050 ONL - Architectural Drafting
IDT 1010 WSU - Introducti on to Interior Desig n

Spring 2021
IDT 2860 VTL - Interior Design Practicum Studio
IDT 2035 ONL Design Process & Space Planning
IDT 2020 ONL - Computer Aided Design & Drafting

Fall 2020
IDT 1010 ONL - Introduction to Interior Design
IDT 2080 ONL - Introduction to Advanced Interior Architectural Drafting & Design

Spring 2020
IDT 1010 WSU - Introduction to Interior Design
IDT 2020 WSD - Computer-Aided Design & Drafting
IDT 2035 WSD - Design Process & Space Planning

Fall 2019
IDT 1010 WSD - Introduction to Interior Design
IDT 1010 WSU - Introduction to Interior Design

Spring 2019
IDT 1010 WSD - Introduction to Interior Design
IDT 1010 WSU - Introduction to Interior Design

Fall 2018
IDT 1010 WSU - Introduction to Interior Design

Spring 2018
IDT 1010 WSU - Introduction to Interior Design

Fall 2017
IDT 1010 WSU - Introduction to Interior Design

Highlights from Teaching Evaluations

IDT 1010 – Introduction to Interior Design

  • “Professor Badali was great at keeping the class on track and providing helpful resources andexamples to facilitate higher level learning opportunities.”
  • “The professor helped me by giving me feedback about my assignments, which helped me improve inthe class.”
  • “She is a great instructor, and I am going to try to keep taking classes she teaches.”
  • “She is very kind and understanding and was always willing to help and to do whatever she can tomake it work for us.”

IDT 1050 - Architectural Drafting

  • “I appreciate the positive feedback when I would make a mistake on an assignment, I didn't feel like Iwas a failure at AutoCAD because I missed something on an assignment, and I felt like it was easy toprove myself afterwards that a small mistake didn't mean I wasn't giving the assignments my all.”
  • “If I had a question, it was easy to get a response and have my question answered quickly. Also, therewere modules that had help finding things that were needed.”
  • “When reaching out to try and get help on assignments or the exam I felt that my professor actually cared about helping me to get resources to better understand and better my work.”

IDT 2020 - Computer-Aided Design & Drafting

  • “Honestly, this is the best course that I had until now. The class's workload was so reasonable compared to the importance of the subject the material given to us was really relevant and I am sure Iam going to use them in my career.”
  • “The module organization was extremely helpful. It made the course expectations and assignmentsclear.”
  • “I liked that it was so useful to getting a job and functioning well in the industry. I also really liked thatwe got to create one project and learn all the steps to making it look as beautiful and realistic aspossible.”
  • “I like that she included a lot of good videos to teach us how to do things. I really appreciated that instead of trying to cram a bunch of projects into the semester we took the entire semester working onone project. It went at a slow enough pace that I could put more effort into my design. This was verysatisfying!!”

IDT 2035 - Design Process & Space Planning

  • “I loved learning about space planning and completing many floor plans. I was insecure about creating floor plans and adjacency diagrams before this class but now I feel knowledgeable and capable ofdoing schematic design.”
  • “The modules are so well organized (and that is an understatement). Professor Badali is really great at working with students and seems to care a lot about their success in class.”
  • “I really enjoyed our Document Projects. Ashley came up with creative fun projects that were inspiring. Even though they took extra time it was fun working on it. I really appreciated that!”

IDT 2080 - Introduction to Advanced Interior Architectural Drafting & Design

  • “Ashley graded things in a timely manner. She was very helpful when I needed help.”
  • “Whenever I had questions Professor Badali was quick to respond and help be out!”

Teaching Interest

My teaching interests focus on technology courses, historical architecture and design, sustainability, design process, professional licensure, practicum supervision, collaboration between fields/professions and career development courses.

University Service

2023 - present
Study Abroad | Mittle-Europa to Modern Milano
Trip Leader, Weber State University
Itinerary planning, marketing, social media, poster design, website content, study abroad office
coordination, reservations, local connections, etc.

2022 - 2023
In-Country Experience | Americana Road Trip
Trip Leader, Weber State University
Covered over 1,500 miles through 5 states and saw 11 Frank Lloyd Wright structures among other
natural wonders, factory tours, historic sites, roadside attractions, and inspiring designs.

2023 - present
Council for Interior Design Accreditation | CIDA Program Review
Faculty Participant, Weber State University
• Program Self-study, Prepared for 2022 Site Visit, Participation in 2022 Site Visit
• Program of Interior Design Awarded 6-year Accreditation effective May 2023

2017 - present
Interdisciplinary Charrette
Interior Design Instructor, Weber State University

2017 - present
Charitable Chair
Interior Design Instructor, Weber State University

2017 - present
Professional Networking Luncheon

2017 - present
Interior Design Instructor, Weber State University

2017 - present
Portfolio Review
Interior Design Instructor, Weber State University

2022 - present
Boys & Girls Club of Weber-Davis Event Setup
Interior Design Instructor, Weber State University

Professional Service

2017 - present
Studio 333 Architects
Interior Designer, formerly Bott Pantone Architects

  • Involved in projects spanning a wide spectrum of sectors including Community & Civic, Corporate & Commercial, Education, Mixed Use, High-End Residential, Religious, Financial, Historic & Adaptive Reuse, and Healthcare.
  • Integral and active role in entire design process working closely with architect from beginning to end.