Plant Sale Names & Pricing
Below is a list of some of the plants typically sold at the Botany Club Scholarship Plant Sale. The list is alphabetized by common name. Where more than one size of a plant is available, the smallest size is presented first.
Common Name |
Scientific Name |
Price Estimates |
Aloe (Spider) | Aloe humilis | $8 |
Aloe (Tiger tooth) | Aloe juvenna | $8 |
Aloe Rauhii | Aloe raubii | $6 |
Aloe Vera | Aloe vera | $2, $4, $6, $8 |
Bladderwort | Utricularia | $10, $12 |
Bromeliad | Bromeliaceae | $5, $6, $10 |
Christmas Cacti | Schlumbergera enigma | $4, $5 |
Crown of Thorns | Euphorbia milii | $5, $8 |
Frogs Feet | Adromischus cristatus | $10 |
Jade (Varigated) | Crassula ovata ‘tricolor’ | $4, $10 |
Kalanchoe | Kalanchoe | $1, $3, $5 |
Lemon geranium | Pelargonium citronellum | $5 |
Lizard Tail | Crassula muscosa | $8 |
MammIbria cactus | Mammlbria | $8 |
Orchid cactis | Disocactus ackermannii | $12 |
Ox-Tongue | Gasteria batesiana | $5, $8 |
Pereskia | Pereskia | $8 |
Peperomia, Radiator Plant (Varigated) | Peperomia | $10 |
Rubber Tree (Variagated) | Ficus elastic ‘variegata’ | $18 |
Senecio | Senecio | $8 |
Silver Dollar Jade | Crassula arborescens | $10 |
Silver Squil | Ledebouria socialis | $2, $3, $5 |
Snake Plant | Sansevieria trifasciata | $5, $8, $12 |
Spider Plant | Clorphytum comosum | $4 |
Spiderwort, Moses-in-the cradle | Tradescantia spathacea | $5, $7, $8 |
Spiderwort, Moses-in-the-cradle (Purple) | Tradescantia spathacea | $5 |
Stapelia gigantica | Stapelia gigantica | $10 |
Vick's Mint | Plectranthus tomentosa | $3, $4, $8 |
Office hours
Monday - Friday
8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Room TY424, Mail Code 2504
Mailing address
Weber State University
Department of Botany
1415 Edvalson St., Dept. 2504
Ogden, UT 84408-2504