Davis Technical College Certificate Program

Complete the following courses at Davis Tech


HVDD 1037 Introduction to Diesel/Heavy-Duty Technology
HVDD 1202 Heavy Duty Brakes
HVDD 1301 Suspension and Steering
HVDD 1053 Diesel Engiens II
HVDD 1010 Drive Train
HVDD 1501 Electricity and Electronics
HVDD 1690 Truck Diagnostics
HVDD 1402 Heavy Duty HVAC

Completing all the courses listed above will give you transfer credit for the following courses at Weber State University:


AUSV 1000 Introduction to Automotive Service
AUSV 1071 HD Truck Brakes
AUSV 1072 HD Truck Steering & Suspension
AUSV 1170 HD Truck Engines
AUSV 1270 HD Truck Drive Mechanisms
AUSV 2170 HD Truck Electrical Systems
AUSV 2270 HD Truck Engine Diagnosis
AUSV 2370 HD Truck Air Conditioning