Automotive Technology Department History
WSU's Automotive Technology Department has been training students for careers in the automotive industry since 1922.
We invite any previous students, faculty, or supporters to submit historical photos and/or information to help us document our long history.
Specifically, we are looking to document:
- Annual troubleshooting contest photos,
- Graduate before and after stories
- Graduation photos
- Success stories
- Business relationships
- High school relationships and teachers
- Retired/previous faculty and staff
Email your information to
Class 2011
Left to right: Nicholas Fewkes, Marty Connors, Xiaoyu Chen, Logan Young, Kevin Roner (Instructor), Kristopher Carey, Ryan Dawes, Jorge Nieto, Christopher Westmoreland, Zachery Abel, Peter Neilson, Steven Wheatley, Jeremy Peuser, David Atkinson, Alex Bodily, Lance Munsee, Joseph Ochoa, Jorge Herrera, Sonya Martinez.
Honda PACT class of 2009 Graduates
Back Row: Cary Winget (Service Manager - Willey Honda), Pat Nicholes (Service Manager - LH Miller Honda), John Kelly (WSU Auto Dept. Chairman), Kelly Goodwin (Honda Corporate), Lisa Burr, Greg Romer (Honda Corporate), Brian King (Former Student, and PACT Mentor - Ken Garf Honda). Front Row: Alexander Swantec, Shane Isom, Chuck Gee, Daniel Abel, Colin Rosenberg, Andrew Blakely.
Toyota T-TEN class of 2009 Graduates
Back Row: Scott Kelly (freshman), John Kelly (Instructor), Luke Granquist, Brian Blaisdell, Mike Matjasich, Kurt Maxfield, Jon Robertson, Amer Ansouqa. Front Row: Rick Ballard, Keith Belnap, Le Le, Tase Thompson, George, Casillas, Chase Christiansen. Missing from photo: Kevin Roner (Instructor).
May 23, 1997
WSU to buld electric car as prototype for Ford Corp.
View article scans on Automotive's history photo gallery
Brent Singleton, former student
WSU student Brent Singleton was the first in our nation to receive BOTH the Presidential Environmental Youth Award and the corporate level Clean Air Excellence Award. President George W. Bush loved the WSU Hybrid Electric and the EPA's CLEA loved the Electric Powered Junior Dragster (EPJD) that Brent lobbied the NHRA and IHRA into adopting into their rule books for future generations.
For more information search "Dragster Singleton"
"Let all the earth rejoice for a congregation of different tastes, but all of us working towards alternative fuels"
—Brent Singleton
April 6, 1992
WSU' first female automotive graduate
View article scan on Automotive's history photo gallery
1991 General Motors ASEP Graduation at the Timbermine Restaurant in Ogden UT.
This was the second GM ASEP class to graduate from WSU.
Left to right: Chris Elmer, Ben Roueche, Chuck Gee, Shawn McArthur, Tim Markham, Mike Haslam, Lius Gonzales Jr., Mark Stagg, Scott Bair, John Sorensen, Burt Oldroyd, John Kelly
Let us know the missing names by emailing
1990 Toyota T-TEN Graduation at the Timbermine Restaurant in Ogden UT.
Standing: Richard Demoss, Steve Stuart, Don Rasmussen, Trent Boman, Rondo Erickson, Brant Baird, Richard Tymer (T-TEN Administrator), Jim Ely (Denver regional service manager), Bill Porento (Toyota technical service manager), Larry H. Miller (Owner of Larry H. Miller Toyota), Kurtis Haslam, Robert Griffiths.Kneeling: Roger Jenkins, Robert Maxwell, David Hancock, Michael Nash, Corey Spencer, Claly Hintze
1988 Toyota T-TEN Class, the first T-TEN class at Weber State
Standing: Steve Stuart, David Thurgood, Robert Griffiths, Roger Jenkins, David Hancock, Bant Baird, Michael Nash, Richard Demoss. Kneeling: Trent Boman, Kurtis Haslam, Clay Hintze, Corey Spencer, Clint Harris, Rondo Erickson. Missing is Robert Maxwell
Annual Automotive Competition
1968 Ogden Standard Examiner Article
1954 Ogden Standard Examiner Article
1945 Standard Examiner Article