Program Review
Program Evaluation Worksheet
(Revised October 2011)
This form is to be used by each team member to record program data and information during the team visit. The following quality ratings are suggested:
S Strength; effective practice or condition
C Concern; action could be needed in the future
X Did not evaluate
At the conclusion of the visit, leave the original of this form with the team chair, who will use it to prepare the draft statement for the institution.
Evaluate how effectively the mission statement articulates the following elements.
Element | Rating | Comments and/or Recommendations for Change | |
a. | The expected outcomes of the program need to be clearly defined. | ||
b. | A process by which these accomplishments are determined and periodically assessed based upon the constituencies served by the program. | ||
c. | A clearly defined educational program, including a curriculum that enables graduates to achieve the mission. | ||
d. | The program mission statement must be appropriate to and support the mission statements of both the college housing the program and the university. |
Evaluate the effectiveness of the curriculum based on the following elements.
Element | Rating | Comments and/or Recommendations for Change | |
a. | The program should demonstrate that the curriculum for each degree and for any general education/service courses offered by the program is the result of thoughtful curriculum planning and review processes. | ||
b. | The curriculum should be consistent with the program's mission. | ||
c. | The program should be able to demonstrate that there is an appropriate allocation of resources for curriculum delivery that is consistent with the mission of the program, the number of graduates, and the number of major/minor and general education SCHs produced. | ||
d. | Courses to support the major/minor/general education/service programs are offered on a regular basis to ensure students are able to complete graduation requirements in a timely manner. |
Evaluate the extent to which the program has clearly defined outcomes that:
Element | Rating | Comments and/or Recommendations for Change | |
a. | Describe the expected knowledge, skills, and behaviors that students will have achieved at the time of graduation. | ||
b. | Will support the goals of the program and the constituencies served. | ||
c. | Are directly linked to the program's curriculum. An explicit curriculum grid illustrating this alignment should be publicly available. |
Evaluate the effectiveness of the assessment process based on the following elements.
Element | Rating | Comments and/or Recommendations for Change | |
a. | Have developed a set of measures for assessment that are clearly defined and appropriately applied. | ||
b. | Demonstrate that they are using these measures in a systematic manner on a regular basis. | ||
c. | Demonstrate that the assessment of the program mission and student outcomes is being used to improve and further develop the program. |
Evaluate the following related to the advising process.
Element | Rating | Comments and/or Recommendations for Change | |
a. | The have a clearly defined strategy for advising their major/minor, or BIS students that is continually assessed for its effectiveness. | ||
b. | Students receive appropriate assistance in planning their individual programs of study. | ||
c. | Students receive needed assistance in making career decisions and in seeking placement, whether in employment or graduate school. |
Evaluate the extent to which the faculty demonstrates the following characteristics.
Element | Rating | Comments and/or Recommendations for Change | |
a. | Faculty size, composition, qualifications, and professional development activities must result from a planning process which is consistent with the program's mission. | ||
b. | The program maintains a core of full-time faculty sufficient to provide stability and ongoing quality improvement for the degree programs offered. | ||
c. | Contract/adjunct faculty who provide instruction to students (day/evening, off/on campus) are academically and professionally qualified.. | ||
d. | The program should demonstrate efforts to achieve demographic diversity in its faculty. | ||
e. | The program should have appropriate procedures for the orientation of new contract/adjunct faculty. | ||
f. | Processes are in place to determine appropriate teaching assignments and service workloads, to guide and mentor contract/adjunct faculty, and to provide adequate support for activities which implement the program's mission. | ||
g. |
Teaching is systematically monitored to assess its effectiveness, and revised periodically to reflect new objectives and to incorporate improvements based on appropriate assessment methods. For both contract and adjunct faculty, there is evidence of:
h. | A formal, periodic review process must exist for all faculty. |
Evaulate the nature and adequacy of the program support based on the following elements.
Element | Rating | Comments and/or Recommendations for Change | |
a. | The number and capabilities of the support staff are adequate to meet the mission and objectives of the program. | ||
b. | Administrative support is present in assisting in the selection and development of support staff. | ||
c. | The facilities, equipment, and library support needs are adequate to meet the mission and goals of the program. |
Evaluate the relationships according to the following elements.
Element | Rating | Comments and/or Recommendations for Change | |
a. | If there are formal relationships between the program and external communities of interest they should be clearly defined. | ||
b. | Such relationships should have a clearly defined role and evidence of their contribution to the program (curriculum, equipment, faculty, budget, etc) should be demonstrated. | ||
c. | If the program has an external advisory committee, it should meet regularly and minutes of the meetings be made available. |
Evaluate the effectiveness of the program to implement recommendations and make changes based on previous reviews.
Element | Rating | Comments and/or Recommendations for Change | |
a. | The program must show how it has implemented any recommendations from the previous review and what effect these changes had on the program. If any recommendations were not implemented the program should explain why they were not put into place.. |