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New Student Information

Welcome to the Lindquist College of Arts & Humanities. We're so glad you're here! The Lindquist College of Arts & Humanities is home to five of the most exciting departments at Weber State University: Communication, English, School of Performing Arts (Music, Dance, Theatre & Musical Theatre), Visual Art & Design and World Languages & Cultures.  We are also home to the interdisciplinary Film Studies major.

Advising in the Lindquist College of Arts & Humanities is a team effort. We have our College Academic Advisors here to help you navigate the general education requirements, provide information on all our majors and help you stay on track for a timely graduation. Your major, or faculty advisor, is the expert on your major specific courses and all the awesome opportunities within your major. For the very best experience plan on meeting with both your academic advisor and major advisor frequently!

All new students need to:

We are here to help you with what you need to know for your first semester at Weber State. We encourage you to schedule an academic advising appointment with one of our advisors.

Helpful Information For Your First Semester and Beyond

First Semester Course Recommendations


Tips for Success

We have some great tips on how to ensure your success as a college student. Follow the links below to some great information and watch the Successful Student video with tips from one of our outstanding graduates. Dawn really knows her stuff!

Tips to be a Successful Student

Tips for Taking Online Courses




Top 10 Apps

You have awesome tools inside of your student/eweber app available to you 24/7!

Find My Advisor

Quickly locate academic and faculty advisors 



Important communication application for students, advisors and professors. Make sure you set up your Starfish profile.



Degree evaluation tool - combines all the requirements for your degree in one place and keeps track of your progress towards your degree.


University Catalog

Valuable resource that contains course descriptions, general education requirements, general degree requirements, major and minor requirements for all programs at Weber State


Register for Classes

Use this registration app to register for classes, see class schedule prior to registration and to drop or withdraw from classes


Registration Schedule Builder

Registration tool that allows you to quickly identify courses and times that work best with your schedule.


Wildcat Mail

Official communication tool for all areas of the university - financial aid & scholarships, registration office, records office, cashiers office, advising offices, etc. - Check Often! or forward to personal email.


Grad Maps

Semester by semester planning guide based on your catalog year and major - follow your map to keep on track for graduation! *Peforming Arts majors it is critical for you to follow your majors map!



TAO is a platform of free self-help educational modules to help you learn about and change how you think and feel. These modules are designed to help you have a better understanding of your personal experiences and equip you with strategies to aid you in feeling less anxious today and as you go forward in your life. TAO’s educational modules can be completed anytime and anywhere you have internet access.


Financial Aid and Scholarships

Access to all things related to financial aid and scholarships.  Access specialized scholarship application (opens September 1), award notifications and acceptance, financial aid communications, etc.


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Everything You Need To Know About Registering For Classes



How to Register


Using The REGISTER FOR CLASSES (ADD/DROP) app in eWeber Portal

Register for Classes Tutorial

Waitlist for Classes Tutorial




> Log into eWeber Portal

> Go to the Register for Classes app

> Accept Tuition Agreement

> Click on the Register for Classes Link

Select Semester & Continue



> Search for Classes by:

  • Subject

  • Course Number

  • Campus

> Advance Search to filter classes by Block:

  • Full Semester

  • Block 1

  • Block 2

> Add Class to Summary Box



> Submit to Register

  • Classes will appear as Registered in Summary Box.

> View Tuition & Fees $$$

  • Tuition & Fee link located in top right corner of Summary Box.


After Registration Closes

Instructor/Departmental approval will be required to add a class beginning on the 6th business day of the semester or block.  


Contact Instructor/Department for permission to register. If permission is given, you will be issued a Special Approval override.


Register for class through eWeber portal. 


Tuition Agreement

Weber State University does NOT drop classes for nonpayment or nonattendance.

If you do not plan to attend, make sure to drop your classes either before the start of the semester or within the 100% refund period.

Otherwise, you will be accountable to the refund schedule for any tuition & fee costs associated with the time spent registered for your courses.



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First Year Student Frequently Asked Questions

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FYE 1105 Foundations of College Success


The First Year Experience (FYE) Program is designed to help incoming students make a successful transition into the university community by offering a three-credit hour, elective course called Foundations of College Success (UNIV 1105). Whether you have just graduated from high school or are coming back to school, FYE will help teach you “the ropes” at WSU and assist you in making progress toward fulfilling your educational and personal goals.

Course Options

You may enroll in Foundations of College Success in two ways: 1) as part of an FYE cluster or 2) by itself, in a “stand-alone” section. See Course Offerings to see which clusters and stand-alone sections are currently being offered.

FYE 1105 Foundations of College Success

The First Year Experience (FYE) Program is designed to help incoming students make a successful transition into the university community by offering a three-credit hour, elective course called Foundations of College Success (FYE 1105). Whether you have just graduated from high school or are coming back to school, FYE will help teach you “the ropes” at WSU and assist you in making progress toward fulfilling your educational and personal goals.

This course prepares students to work efficiently in the university environment with opics including improving study and time management skills, developing interpersonal communications, making major/career selections, and understanding student responsibilities.  FYE Peer Mentors are assigned to each class section and work with FYE students to help them transition to the university environment, to connect them with campus resources, and to provide them with social opportunities both inside and outside class. Check out FYE's course offerings to see all the different ways in which you can tailor your first year experience!

FYE 3170 “First-Year Experience (FYE) Mentor Leadership Seminar” (2)

This course teaches FYE Peer Mentors to effectively assist students registered for FYE 1105. Peer Mentors learn to work with FYE students to help them transition to the university environment, to connect them with campus resources, and to provide them with social opportunities both inside and outside class.



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