Micah Bauer

Assistant Professor, Graphic Design


  • MFA in Graphic Design 2015, Utah State University, Logan, Utah
  • BFA in Graphic Design 2004, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah


Micah is a native Californian who has lived in Utah since 1998. His interest in graphic design began in high school when he started a ’zine covering his local BMX scene. Since then he has always tried to use design as a means to inform and connect people.

His professional practice, which began in 2003, as a graphic designer and eventually as art director includes working in a variety of settings, from freelance to in-house to studio designer. His teaching expertise is in graphic design fundamentals, interactive design, motion design, branding, and graphic design processes.

Micah believes that good design is honest, that a good graphic designer knows their audience, that good design is collaborative, and that any design needs to be holistic to be effective.

Micah’s Work

Articles by Micah