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Facts and Figures

WSU has the best return on investment in Utah higher ed in 2022.
WSU is a Princeton Review Green College 2017-2022.
3,984 nursing degrees, the most college-wide, were awarded for academic years 2017-18 through 2021-22.
WSU has 20 graduate degrees.
WSU has more than 225 degree programs.
WSU has made nationwide rankings from Forbes, Georgetown University and more.
80% of WSU faculty have terminal degrees.
WSU fall 2021 enrollment was 29,744 students.
WSU students came from mostly Weber and Davis counties.
In 2021-22, 86% of WSU students earned an associate's or a bachelor's degree. 12% earned doctoral degrees, master’s or certificates.
640 veterans attended WSU in fall 2021.
WSU was ranked No. 2 in the nation for veterans in 2021.
Abound ranked WSU among the best colleges for veterans in 2022.
213 international students from 52 countries attended WSU in fall 2021.
The Arbor Day Foundation recognized WSU for the eleventh time in 2021 for being a tree campus.
WSU has reduced natural gas, emissions and electricity consumption while continuing to grow.
WSU will reach carbon neutrality in 2040, 10 years ahead of the original goal.
WSU saved $2.6 million in electric, natural gas and water bills in 2021.
WSU received $22.6 million in gifts in 2022.
Median salary for WSU students with a bachelor’s degree is $59,652.
Student to faculty ratio is 20:1.
About 200 student athletes earned academic honors in 2021-22.
15 WSU faculty have been named Fulbright scholars since 1999.
WSU has provided millions in scholarships and funding to thousands of students.