WSU’s Walker Institute to host Glenn Loury for Constitution Day

OGDEN, Utah — To celebrate Constitution Day, Weber State University’s Olene S. Walker Institute of Politics & Public Service welcomes guest speaker Glenn Loury.

Loury is a Merton P. Stoltz Professor of Economics at Brown University. He holds a B.A. in mathematics from Northwestern University and a Ph.D. in economics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. As an economic theorist, he has published widely and lectured throughout the world on his research. He is also among America’s leading critics writing on racial inequality.Glen Loury poses for a photo.

He has been elected as a Distinguished Fellow of the American Economics Association, as a Member of the American Philosophical Society and of the U.S. Council on Foreign Relations, and as a Fellow of the Econometric Society and of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences.

“Constitution Day is an important civic holiday, celebrating the founding of our country, that often goes unnoticed,” said Leah Murray, director of the Walker Institute. “We light fireworks for the Declaration of Independence every year, but we do not mark the Constitution. To address this, the Walker Institute has hosted a Constitution Day speaker every year since 2012, bringing attention to the document and a moment to learn how it affects us daily.”

The event will be held at noon on Sept. 17 in the Haven J. Barlow Lecture Hall, located on the first floor of Lindquist Hall. The event is open to the public, but seating preference in the lecture hall will be given to WSU students. Additional seating will be available in an overflow classroom with a livestream of the interview. 


Tim Costello, Marketing & Communications


Rachel Badali, news coordinator