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Post BSN to DNP – Family Nurse Practitioner

Why Choose Our BSN-DNP Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) Program?

The changing demands of this nation's complex healthcare environment require the highest level of scientific knowledge and practice expertise to assure quality patient outcomes. Advantages to our program include:

  • A hybrid program offering a variety of delivery methods (i.e. online, hybrid, virtual).
  • Extensive skill preparation in collaboration with interprofessional experts in our labs.
  • Numerous clinical settings available for nurse practitioner preparation.
  • Flexible DNP practice hours.

What You’ll Learn 

The DNP-FNP student progresses from the role of the registered nurse to that of a clinical family nurse practitioner and an expert nurse leader. Preparation at the DNP level combines clinical and practice leadership skills for influence on increasingly complex health care needs through direct and indirect care competency. This DNP program focuses on the provision of care to include assessment, diagnostic reasoning, and appropriate interventions with attention to health and wellness.

What You Can Do

  • With your DNP - FNP degree and certification, you practice beyond the role of a registered nurse by providing patients with primary or specialty care, and function as an expert leader in organizations/systems.


Cumulative GPA of 3.3 (3.295) or higher (on a 4.0 scale), includes all college-level coursework.

How to Apply


Please direct advisement questions to our Enrollment Director.

Robert Holt, MS
Enrollment Director
Marriott Allied Health Building, Room 431


Application Information