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Studying Public Relations & Strategic Communication at Weber State

An emphasis in public relations and strategic communication is a good choice for students who have a desire to pursue a career that combines communication, creativity and critical thinking.

Public Relations & Strategic Communication Highlights

While pursuing a public relations and strategic communication emphasis, you are encouraged to join and participate in professional organizations, like the Public Relations Student Society of America.

The Weber State chapter of PRSSA holds regular meetings, runs professional development workshops and connects students with working professionals in the area.

Beyond the Classroom

Weber State gives you the opportunity to join its student-run public relations firm, Ogden Peak Communications. Students who participate in Ogden Peak leadership roles are eligible for tuition waivers.

Dave Smith

Class of 1994

“This program continues to evolve and offer new and improved training to provide students with the skill set they need to succeed in the ever-changing and increasingly important world of public relations. ”

What You’ll LEARN at Weber

Within the public relations and strategic communication emphasis, you can choose to pursue one of five interdisciplinary tracks: copywriting, healthcare public relations, international public relations, marketing and visual communication.

No matter which track you pick, you'll have a strong foundation in marketing concepts and best practices, advertising and news reporting and writing.

What You CAN DO After Weber

Public relations and strategic communication students graduate with an array of practical skills and public relations principles that allow them to be successful in public relations, advertising, marketing and much more. If you have questions, contact a WSU Career Advisor.

Faculty Perspective


Strategic communication is a process of research-based planning, execution, and evaluation essential to positions in public relations, government, nonprofit, corporate consulting, politics, social advocacy, healthcare, marketing, and digital and online media. Students learn practical skills in a growing field with personalized instruction from experienced educators.

Deann Carver