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Studying Health Information Management at Weber State

In Weber State's health information management major, you can put your knowledge to the test to develop solutions to healthcare issues.

Weber State’s health information management program trains organized, analytical students to take on vital roles in the healthcare industry using the latest technology to manage, secure and protect information and data for healthcare organizations.

Health Information Management Highlights

All Weber State health information management classes are available online. Earning your bachelor’s degree in health information management qualifies you to sit for the Registered Health Information Administrator (RHIA) exam. 

The Health Information Management program was ranked No. 1 of the 10 most affordable Bachelors in Health Information Management programs for 2020 by Bachelors Degree Center


Keli Barkdull

Class of 2018

“I like that classes are available online, which allows me flexibility with family and work. I also appreciate that several classes are taught by the same professor, so you are able to build a relationship.”

What You’ll LEARN at Weber

You’ll learn the technical and practical skills needed to be a manager in health information, gaining experience in healthcare provisions and technologies, data analytics and management information, and human resources and quality improvement.

What You CAN DO After Weber

Graduates with their bachelor’s degree in health information management start careers as:

  • HIM managers
  • Coding managers
  • Business analysts
  • Information security managers
  • Data and information analysts
  • Research and development scientists
  • Practitioner consultants

You can also go on to earn your post-bachelor’s certificate in health information management to learn the necessary skills to become an effective leader in the field. If you have questions, contact a WSU Career Advisor.

Faculty Perspective

Medical records regulations are complex and need to be accurate and available... without the people behind the scenes, supporting the heros facing the patients the system would fall apart. It is amazing and gratifying to be part of the world of healthcare and information management.

Rick Martin