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Studying Botany at Weber State

Weber State’s botany program offers students who love science and nature a hands-on education in plant life, including how plants sustain our world and can brighten our future.

Botany Highlights

Weber State has the only dedicated university botany department in Utah, housed in the state-of-the-art Tracy Hall Science Center. As a botany major, you can pick among four degree tracks to tailor your program to fit your career goals or future graduate program. In addition, you’ll conduct your research in labs, Weber State’s on-campus greenhouse and outdoor field locations.

Beyond the Classroom

As a botany student, you'll have the chance to go on regular field trips to a variety of wilderness areas, all within a few hours drive of campus.

You can also gain on-the-job experience with through a cooperative work experience.

Morgan Brown

Class of 2019

“My interactions with my botany professors have been meaningful, insightful, and supportive. My professors care about me and my academic progress here at WSU. They are available when I have questions, always offering their best information and advice.”

What You’ll LEARN at Weber

Since the world’s growing population has resulted in the destruction of so much plant life, botanists are needed now more than ever.

You’ll also be prepared for graduate studies in fields such as natural medicine.

What You CAN DO After Weber

Become an expert in plant life, including plant biology, ecology and function, while gaining a greater appreciation for the environment and skills for your career in botany.

You’ll also focus your studies in one of four areas:

  • Laboratory emphasis or graduate school preparation
  • Pre-natural medicine
  • Field botany
  • General botany

If you have questions, contact a WSU Career Advisor.

Faculty Perspective


It is a joy to get to know our diverse students; their interests and strengths vary, and they form a supportive community for each other. I love popping my head into the majors' room and watching them debating their coursework.

Heather Root