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Wisam Khudhair

Community Capacity and Wellbeing Partnership Manager, University Neighborhood Partners

Thursday, March 23, 2023 at 11:00 a.m.Centering Equity and Engaging Communities in Climate Change Action Planning

Wisam Khudhair is the Community Capacity and Wellbeing Partnership Manager. He works with UNP’s partners and team to advance community capacity. Wisam earned a B.S in Banking and Finance at Mustansiriyah University and a master’s degree in Public Administration at the University of Utah. Previously, Wisam worked in refugee services for seven years where he supported hundreds of newly arrived refugees to Utah in achieving self-sufficiency; he also worked with Salt Lake County as a Business and Economic Development Coordinator. He served at the Salt Lake City Human rights commission for three years. In 2010, Wisam moved to Utah with his family from Iraq. He enjoys hiking, camping, sports, and learning about people’s cultures.