New Wildcats

Left to Right
Sadie Braddock, Sustainability Practices
Annalie Neve, Arts and Humanities Office
Kimber Dixon, Services for Students w/Disabilities
Amy Taylor, Services for Students w/Disabilities
Levi Skinner, University Advancement
Dawson Anderson, Custodial Services
Derek Seymour, MARS Center
Pedram Pakseresht, Mechanical Engineering
Ben Hill, MARS Center
Ryan Johnson, MBA Program
Sam Owen
Brandon Petrizzo
Mickey Cole
Kandi Tait
Jonathan Jacobazzi
Eulogio Alejandre
Shelly Park
Alicia Ambrose
Suzanne Aragon
Matt Spencer
Ashlee Reese
Christie Denniston
Ashley Stringham
Julia Krey
Michael Henderson
Heidi Drysdale
Sam Owen
Brandon Petrizzo
Mickey Cole
Kandi Tait
Jonathan Jacobazzi
Eulogio Alejandre
Shelly Park
Alicia Ambrose
Suzanne Aragon
Matt Spencer
Ashlee Reese
Christie Denniston
Ashley Stringham
Julia Krey
Michael Henderson
Heidi Drysdale
Sam Owen
Brandon Petrizzo
Mickey Cole
Kandi Tait
Jonathan Jacobazzi
Eulogio Alejandre
Shelly Park
Alicia Ambrose
Suzanne Aragon
Matt Spencer
Ashlee Reese
Christie Denniston
Ashley Stringham
Julia Krey
Michael Henderson
Heidi Drysdale
Sam Owen
Brandon Petrizzo
Mickey Cole
Kandi Tait
Jonathan Jacobazzi
Eulogio Alejandre
Shelly Park
Alicia Ambrose
Suzanne Aragon
Matt Spencer
Ashlee Reese
Christie Denniston
Ashley Stringham
Julia Krey